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Milia B

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Everything posted by Milia B

  1. I may only of been here a few weeks but theres one thing I've learned for sure ...is thats Pete knows the answer !
  2. Dave ? I was just wondering if I've broken any rules lately ?
  3. Pete, you may win....I doubt anyone can top hooking the Austrailian Olympic Skulling team .....
  4. Just wondering if anyone would care to share the oddest thing they've caught while fishing. For me I guess it would be the time I thought I had hooked the bottom of the lake. After strugling to get my line free I realized there was movement like maybe I had hooked a very big turtle. Nope when I finally fought my big catch to shore I found that I had hooked onto a brand new fishing pole that someone must have lost in the lake better yet there was a nice Mepps spinner attached. Even nicer was the 8 pound Channel Cat that must have pulled all that gear into the lake in the first place. Pretty nice when you can hook a rod, reel, lure, and a big fish in one cast!
  5. Ok Pete here goes this is for you, Counting stars by candle light All are dim but one is bright The spiral light of Venus rising first and shining best From the northwest corner of a brand new cresent moon Crickets and Cicada's sing A rare and different tune In the shadow of the moon
  6. My Uncle Joe used to do pretty much the same thing but he did it by passing gas!
  7. Well how about that! I guessed right ! Like the old saying goes "even a blind dog finds a bone once in a while" I should have noted in my first post that I used the waterproof Gorilla glue that dries white mixed about 50/50 with alcahol. It didn't dry white, it has more of a cleAr look to it.
  8. Did I mess up ?? I wanted to water proof my lures for testing. I couldnt find any D2T like you guys talk about so i dot some Gorilla Glue & mixed it with alcahol to thin it out and painted the wood with it.. it looks like I stained or varnished the wood ...Is what i did OK ..?? Did I screw it up ??? any opinions ??
  9. When I'm walking around with paint on the lacey parts of my undies cause I thought it would be a great stencil pattern
  10. I am so excited ! This is my first post where I may actually be providing information not begging for help. So here go's a sourse for quick easy scale pattern is a fly swatter, not the ones made of screen but the plastic ones. Looks like it might work to me!
  11. I have the topper. When I am blatantly atempting to flirt with a Certain TU member and all he wants to talk about is scale patterns and new methods of making eyes! Never had that happen to me in a club !
  12. Oh heck yeah! I'm on the learning curve baby! It took 4 hours and 3 bent or broken scroll saw blades to rough out my first lure. Just now I did my second one in under 30 minutes!
  13. Milia B


    I think I found my solution, on EBay the sell colored round headed pins that will do wonderfully
  14. Milia B


    how did you do the eyes on this beauty?
  15. Milia B


    Any help on making or a supplier of tack eyes for older style lures would be greatly apprieciated. Milia
  16. I'll tell you what, this lure building is a blast ! I am having so much fun. The first lure is about half done and I'm all ready planing the next one ! I can see why you guys are "hooked". Milia
  17. OK here's where I stand. I sanded my "Lil Crawlady" (that's right I've named her) And she's just too cute. I used 80 then 220 then 400 grit paper. I guess I'll do a little reading to see where I go from here. Thanks again for the help and suggestions .... They are allways welcome.....Milia
  18. Thanks, this is the kind of information that without you guys help I would never figure out on my own. I will put all the knowledge that's passed onto me to good use. This thought came to me today, it's bad enough when you lose a store bought lure but how bad is it when you lose a lure that you've worked hours on ? Milia
  19. Thanks A-Mac, I'm look into that
  20. Coley, if your rooms smells again this year, I would suggest bunking with someone other than Charlie !
  21. Now that's one "tool" I have allready!
  22. Thanks a ton ! I'm not too worried about it being in the water for a few seconds, This lure ( my first ) is deffinetly on the slow track to completion. It does look suprisingly like the planed shape I drew up. I'll let it sit for a day to make sure it's dry and give it a go with the sand paper. Thanks for the advise again it's allways welcome. Milia
  23. OK, here's where I'm at. I have carved from my cut blank a crawfish, backwards swimming fish or polly wog shaped lure depending on how you look at it. I think it looks pretty good and symetrical. I decided to do a "float test" in the sink. The results were disapointing to say the least. It floated pretty much on one side . Is this because the lure is unsymetrical or maybe because of uneven density in the wood I used. Will this be fixed when I add hardware and internal weight ? I don't know what wood I used. Woodcrafters had no Basswood so I just got a grab bag of exotic woods. It's creamy yellow with real fine graphite colored grain. HELP ME MR. WIZZARD !
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