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Everything posted by gone2long

  1. Anyone having sign on problems, I get an error and it says I'm banned and it's set to not expire???
  2. I tried to find out what they are made of, if glass I would say yeah but they may not be and then I would say no.
  3. Go to ispikeit the original paint line is still on there but again won't ship.
  4. one in the same ispikeit/lureworks
  5. No they are AB'd lureworks has a relatively new line of waterbased soft plastic paint and they also have a solvent based line but I hear it's pretty nasty stuff without proper ventilation and respirator.
  6. It was the cats meow when it first came out but as it always goes with this hobby it got bested and that's not a bad thing either.
  7. Mark for whatever reason I can't quote or paste in the response box it's something on my end because I have no problem at work. It has a better flow agent in it as well as improved tip dry characteristics, It also helps prevent paint migration (fisheye's) also speeds up dry times which is a good thing when painting cranks with many layers.
  8. I have the triple action handles on my Iwata's and it kinda does the same thing, you can adjust the barrel and it almost acts like a single action brush when you just press down for air but as a rule I just perfect my reduction and that seems to give me a better finish. I use the 4012 high performance reducer for Wicked and Auto Air and for Createx textile paint I use 5608 illustration base which is really a solvent based reducer and both work very well.
  9. I'll say Lurecraft was my 1st 5 gallons and loved it, that said it does settle so if your like me and only pour now and again it may not be for you but I liked it. didn't smoke bad and I liked the finished baits after curing. Still using up my Chemionics supersoft then not sure what's next maybe Spikeit.
  10. X2 how you heat it will also play a role the best plastic out there is the one that works for you based on a number of varialbes such as heat times, injection or hand pour, amount of additives you choose to use and so on, get some samples and make an informed decision.
  11. Yep just a quick wipe then flush add new color shoot a blast at your pad that should be at the back of your work station and bingo you got it. I agree that if you have a large run that a siphon fed can be your friend but I'm not sure how big that run would be, i do fine with a gravity fed brush but I do have a siphon fed brush setup for basecoat. My sessions are for about a half dozen baits at a time so I'm not setting any records there.
  12. I have no personal experience with it but seems kinda wasteful drying out the tip of a marker, would like to here from someone with experience though.
  13. HaHa I think I just heard a door shut
  14. Do it has a round one on the website?
  15. Go to harbor freight they have what's called helping hands work well cheap too.
  16. Try Shapeway's I got my trigger stix for my AB's there, I think they could help you.
  17. Also try putting your mold right up against the nozzle on your pot it kinda injects the lead see if that helps.
  18. I found that more than often if you leave the good baits set for an extended period they will continue to bond to the point that they won't delaminate. This drove me crazy as I kept pulling on them a few minutes after injecting and they just peeled right apart, same baits left to sit for a few hours and not by design and they were perfect.
  19. I can load from my old bookmark at work but cannot at home, can't even find anything that will open when I search the net so it has to be something with my laptop at home
  20. Ok I cleared my cookies and history and still can't open the new site any ideas?
  21. Save yourself some grief and time, I'm in no way saying copy another mold makers design but they have these types of generic questions resolved by trial and error so let their hard work assist you in resolving some of your issues.
  22. I used a can of carb cleaner if I remember right and put my nozzles on it after use and sprayed a few seconds and remove wipe down and ready to go next time around, but I have not tried it with fine paint work but I don't see an issue just like an AB a burst off project will clear anything in the nozzle out before laying it down on your work. As far as stretching paint I'm getting 4ozs or more from 2ozs of Createx opaque white reduced with the 5608 base and reduced tip dry.
  23. Yep that appears to be a hand pour mold no injector sprue.
  24. Yeah Spectra Tex is pretty much ready to shoot but it seemed to not go as far, I started using 5608 Illustration base with opaque white which is a solvent reducer\extender and have had excellent results with less coats to achieve coverage so that's been working well for me.
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