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Everything posted by gone2long

  1. I've found that Createx opaque white is very thick even when reduced for the AB so I found that it is imperative to heat set or heat dry each and every layer for best results if not you will get "skinning over" which is recoverable but adds to the adhesion problem and time to move to the next process.
  2. Sure sounds like your compressor fitting is the issue, I have an Iwata hose and all my brushes have the quick disconnects and my hose hooked right up to my Sears compressor.
  3. So It's going to rain so I thought today would be a good day to break out the cranks I bought from Jim of Predator Baits, I have the new wiggle wart and was looking for some color inspiration and saw that some of the models have the bill either painted partially or fully do you guys paint the bills or keep them clear? I'm leaning towards keeping them clear but open to suggestions and why.
  4. Does anyone ever read the posts for follow ups or do you just post regardless
  5. Just tried it and yes you can order and have it delivered for free to your store.
  6. Go onto Wal-Mart's website you may be able to order it and have it delivered to your local store, I had to do that to get a bottle of future.
  7. You could make a logo out of sculpy then attach it to your master.
  8. Yeah don't lock yourself in with one supplier your going to find that they all offer something better than the other you may pay more in shipping but you'll get exactly what you want.
  9. I ordered it to be delivered to the store closest to me, no shipping that way. And as Mark stated there are some precautions to be taken it is a hard finish on it's own, much harder than say just acrylic paint. I lube my needle with glycerin and it seems to help with clean up.
  10. A word of caution you might want to use a respirator as it is pretty strong.
  11. Dakotalakestackle dips his in Future floor shine, I spray it through my airbrush as an intercoat clear with great results, Future is acrylic based.
  12. If you just cut your profile with a scroll saw or band saw on the end of the piece of wood leaving the tail end still attached to the board you can route 90% of the bait then just cut it off the board and hand finish the small tail section by hand. There is a youtube video of this in action on a router table and is as safe as any other piece of work.
  13. If I understand it correctly you are paying wholesale pricing from shorty's so I guess what he's saying it's you will pay retail if you don't have a tax id?
  14. Yeah plus I did a search for them and seems their site is down, Shorty's that is.
  15. I ordered 4's to start I'm putting them on some top waters and have some bigger cranks I got from Predatorbaits and think a slightly heavier hook will hold it down on the surface a bit better if not I'll order some 6's.
  16. Yeah I think I read that thread as well I think he had a mold that was a little out of spec.
  17. Your good they all standardized to 5/8 sprue, jacob's used to use a cone shaped nozzle but I think he even went 5/8 now.
  18. Bass, smallmouth and largemouth
  19. I need to order treble hooks to finish my cranks I need some 4's and 6's I looked at captain hooks and there are a ton of choices I just want a standard black nickel hook I'm open to recommendations, also would like to hear what your thoughts are on combining the 2 on a bait and its advantages/disadvantages?
  20. It's been a long time but I though I heard he was an aerospace engineer?
  21. Think your right on both points.
  22. I have the Talon TG-3 it’s the set with all the needle/nozzles and it is sweet I have had no issues and I've sprayed just about everything through it including glitter craft paint for one of the kids school projects, it is a bit on the heavy side but if you’re not a full blown artist painting all day I see no issue with that. It's not quite the match to my Iwata's but you will like it and for the price of the kit you essentially get 3 brushes in one.
  23. If you mean Del Mart Molds yes they are very good quality and no he is the manufacturer of his molds, I do recommend that you order through Lurecraft as they carry his molds and delivery is good.
  24. I'm not sure that's the best stater set I would look at some of the mold makers sites for their starter kits.
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