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Everything posted by gone2long

  1. Just be careful heat setting it's more like heat drying as setting or curing if you prefer requires temps that will cause issues such as cooking the adhesives used to secure the 2 halves of the blank.
  2. When he says hobby paint I was thinking testors, model air, tamyia as far as craft paint yes you can spray it but as stated it is not refined like AB paint using an acrylic medium to thin it down and straining will help and will not affect the film properties associated with reducing with water but you will need a bigger needle/tip I use a .66 and I can spray craft glitter paint so it is doable just a lot more goes into prep and is not always guaranteed.
  3. 5601 Transparent base is the medium you use to make opaque paint transparent and all of those types of paint in the Createx line are used in the course of painting a crank bait but you have the right understanding on how to go about it. Do a search on painting and get a handle on some of the finer points to layering paint it will help you understand their place.
  4. No it's not advisable they produce a nasty smell as well.
  5. I agree but 320-330 is not considered high in the world of plastisol the only other thing that may not be accurate would be the method in which the temps are being checked and that the plastic is much hotter but that being said, much higher would mean scorching and based on his description that's not happening.
  6. Where did you get it, I've never had a problem with it sure sounds like something is amiss it should not curl especially during the first or second heating cycle. I would question the supplier. Are you using a microwave and if so what is the wattage? maybe it's super heating the glitter before the plastic ever gets to temp?
  7. It should be high heat polyester glitter, craft glitter is hit or miss.
  8. Yep the same symptoms will occur if the nozzle is damaged in a way that the needle does not seat properly so the corrective measure your taking is the right one.
  9. Unless they state on the package that it's a particular scent fat chance anyone will know, this business is cut throat and they like to keep proprietary formulas a secret.
  10. X2 is Do-It soft plastics colorant and it's as described twice as powerful so thus less drops.
  11. X2 I use an old cast iron pot on a crab cooker helps hold the heat, flux then pour ingots for charging the pot I use a non stick mini muffin pan makes the perfect size ingot to fit the pot without hanging out the top.
  12. Don't they also have some type of repair offer or something I thought I read that somewhere? But that's what I did just replace the pot at least mine the nozzle is integral I thought they were replaceable when I had my problem.
  13. If cleaning doesn't help take the wrench remove the nozzle and dab the threads with a chapstick or bees wax if the threads are not seated due to some crud or bad threads air will pass through the threads and back into the cup, this quick fix worked on my NEO just be careful the NEO parts are more fragile than some other brushes and that nozzle is fricken tiny so don't drop it
  14. This threads funny none of the original posters have been on in years
  15. You'll be good but I'd wear a dust mask stuff does find it's way into the air.
  16. Be careful remember that the nozzle is offset on an angle it's not straight up and down as the plunger angle shows. If possible I would heat the pot up and try to remove the nozzle to work on it obviously dump the molten lead first
  17. LPO and cast industries are one in the same if I'm not mistaken?
  18. Well by the looks of the one's I've seen you don't really need an injection mold as it appears that the bait has a flat bottom so just gluing one or two baits down in a mold box and mixing up some Plaster of Paris would do the trick nicely. Do a search on mold making it will cost you pennies to make the mold and then however much you want to invest in the plastic and game on.
  19. You do know that this would be a very easy mold to make but there's a guy selling these baits on ebay if you need some to get by.
  20. You may need to break the nozzle loose while it's still hot otherwise you may risk damaging it.
  21. X2 don't drill it, ask me why You can chuck the plunger in a drill and use some lapping compound in the nozzle seat if your still having dripping issues.
  22. Buy one of those narrow paint rollers the one that is like 3 inches wide but it needs to be the full size type not the little foam ones. Remove everything from the handle add the amount of blades you need prolly about 10 you will need to space them, up to you but washers work well make sure they fit without being too sloppy on the shaft, mark were your last blade/washer is on the shaft drill a small hole for a cotter pin and cut off the excess now you have a relatively safe way to cut your tails, but again as I mentioned the up front cost is a little pricey but worth it if I find mine I'll take a pic for you. Oh a the blades are round fabric blades look on the net to find a good deal on them.
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