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Everything posted by gone2long

  1. I'm jumping into an airbrush and I think the Paasche Talon dual action gravity fed unit is the one for me, any suggestions, advice or comments? Sorry guys I might be an adversary since I'm a soft plastic guy but you hard bait guys are some damn good artists with the brush, but you never know I could join the dark side if I become proficient
  2. My suggestion to you is read, read and read some more this is not an easy racket to get into you are talking about thousands and thousands of dollars in molds alone when you mention the word custom. They can take months to create review and receive you will need to do patent searches on all your ideas as the big folks are always looking to shut you down, I think you should start as a hobby and see where it goes. Good luck and welcome to the forum. Oh and any of the current mold makers will probably help you do custom work but it make take quite a bit of time they are all busy just keeping up with stock inventory.
  3. If that doesn't work for you I think alumilite sells a product that you can use and even dye the color right in, if I find the video of it I'll post it up.
  4. Savings Haha that's why I opened an account with several of the suppliers and just deposit my money with them, I think its called diversification
  5. hey Al, after doing that for a few I bought tube molds and gave my bojon kit I got from you to a member of EPFR no more tail splitting for me, but somewhere I have the one from you that I described above.
  6. I have one somewhere haven't seen it in awhile but its made with one of those narrow paint rollers and has several (10 or so) rotary fabric cutter blades (pricey) with washers separating the blade. You can simply adjust the width of your tails by increasing or decreasing thickness of washers separating the blades. Sadly Bojon had some health issues and hasn't been on in over a year now.
  7. I stand corrected thanks for the effort and posting the response!
  8. Wow I'm not a hard bait guy only soft plastics but you got a winner there for sure, nice work. I would think this process would be great for making sand cast molding if you had a home furnace for smelting aluminum you could have something there.
  9. The colorants from other manufacturers should work fine I've used with all but alumisol but its pvc based so should be no problem.
  10. there is High temp silicone made for that but the one I'm thinking of needs to be pressed then cured in an oven but it's the same stuff used for spin casting so do a search with those keywords.
  11. Jerry from do-it posted over on their soft plastic forum yesterday coming out in october.
  12. As stated and agree you're not going to get an exact reading and you're looking for a baseline once you establish that then the gun will serve you well.
  13. they also don't cnc their molds they are sand casted in a foundry so there is no machine code to modify with your special request for modifications.
  14. Yep I tried it years ago the gummy worms were the ticket funny that you don't read more about people doing it though?
  15. yes you bring both colors up to temp pour your outer color in the cavity and inject your core color, takes practice with pouring just the right amount in each cavity. do a search on YouTube there is a video on it makes it a little more understandable.
  16. did you view the YouTube video, might be nice for one offs but not for production
  17. I think it all depends on how long you used it, plastisol leaves a heavy oily residue over time and if that's the case I would not use it for food you can't clean the internal fan parts and they likely would be affected, again this all depends on how long you used it.
  18. My buddy painted his car with aviation clear, not sure where he got it but the stuff is lightning proof was rock hard and his car looked wet all the time, has anyone tried that yet? Sorry i'm a soft bait guy but thought this could be of some use.
  19. Check out makealure.com he made one, not an 8 wire but I'm sure you can get it done and he has a good video on it and the materials used.
  20. Wow never heard of this before look forward to hearing what's up with that.
  21. As far as the glitter goes too much is when it affects the color you are trying to achieve it's really personal preference start off with a little you can always add but can never remove , I tend to add my glitter after cooking as it settles in a bunch when added to cold plastisol. I add scent to the plastic before cooking with the colorant and add to bag as well. Remember adding scent will tend to soften the plastic a bit so adding to much may make your end product to soft.
  22. have you tried powder by the pound.
  23. Are you kidding me that thing rocks! Nice work!
  24. Well the real answer is to ensure that your using non-bleed colorants many of the sites sell them. I'm not aware of any way to stop a bleeding color and a twinjector can't help with that either. Caney Creek/Do-it has non-bleed colorant.
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