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Everything posted by gone2long

  1. I've read guys will mix the micro balloons in raw plastisol to make a mix then add as needed.
  2. Has anyone used a sculpy master and created a 2 piece mold with fiberglass resin? I know the master will be destroyed during de-molding that's ok but was wondering how well it came out, I was going to use vasoline to coat both the master and the 1st side of the mold any thoughts? How about soft clay has that been used with any success?
  3. The only real way to obtain what you're asking is as stated try several batches with different amounts and right it down all plastics have their own characteristics so no one recipe works for all.
  4. yeah I wouldn't lose sleep over what model mine is from goodwill all you need to do is set the dial and test once you found your sweet spot then your set.
  5. you can make a 2 piece bondo mold for injection YouTube has a video of a senko mold being made check it out.
  6. He's good as far as the reputation I don't buy most of the stories I've read, people think when they order a mold that is custom that they should be the only person being serviced at that time I think if you read enough you will find that all the mold makers have their detractors most of them won't go on a tirade and lie to their customers only one that I'm aware of basically tells his customers to flip off you'll get them when I'm done with them usually months later that's well documented but Shawn's stuff is top notch.
  7. Place an order with Lurecraft for replacement parts for my lee lead pot got the order in 5 days Thanks Kim! Great service again. I over engineered my original pot with a drill bit to get little better flow and went too far the lead came out nice and fast but made it all but impossible to fill smaller jig molds so a learning curve is in order but I think it will work great on sinker molds so I'll just put it in inventory and when needed will serve its purpose.
  8. Go to Basstackle.com they have by far the largest selection and good service as well. The site has not only pics of the baits that you can zoom on but also the mold as well.
  9. Their called micro balloons and several of the seller's of soft plastic tackle sells them. Do yourself a favor and read some of the precautionary threads when dealing with this stuff most are made of glass and a major heath risk if inhaled, I've read some are carefully mixing in some raw plastisol them adding to the mix.
  10. ah yes but that is why we pour our own plastics you can never have enough expensive hobbies.
  11. check at your local office supply they should have cardstock for that purpose.
  12. I'll just add if you choose to modify yourself lightly clamp a hook in the slot and use it as a guide for you dremmel tool use the right bit and take your time you should be fine any minor mistakes can be corrected with jb weld. good luck!
  13. you should be ok I see that bait being sold all over the place if it was an issue I think you wouldn't see it being sold.
  14. Nice going your in some nice country up there, My buddy is a lifer in the Coast Guard and is stationed at Kodiak he tells me he has a 6 pack license and his own charter boat for when retirement comes I'll have to give him your info good luck with the new adventure!
  15. Dodge, check out Linmar molds they have a decent selection of hand pour molds, not sure what their made of but their hard unlike RTV molds. Also Lurecraft is carrying some other brands as well they have Del's who has a load of one piece molds over there.
  16. The original poster is from Ontario Canada far removed from the drama that goes on around here about who's got the better product, lets get back on topic
  17. Seems to me the question is how much do you want to do over how much the system you choose does, Bears unit seems to do all of the mundane things for you i.e. no blending block to clean, no plastic to stir, maintains heat throughout the process, seems a little easier to handle than the big twinjector setup so to me it's about how fast do you want to produce and how much prep/re-prep do you want to do to make the final product. I just hope threads like these continue cause you can bet your backside that improvements to these systems and one's not out yet are a direct result of civilized discussions on these systems.
  18. I often get that response from old school hand pour folks my response was directed at the fact that the industry has leaned to injection and the reasons posted are just a slice of it as you stated speed, consistency no trimming/flashing, tail splitting, consistent laminates it goes on and on. The market demand for injection molds has all but put hand pour molds on the shelf for most new bait maker's coming into the game as the original poster has found. Hand pour is not dead it's just in the ICU on life support when and if it recovers it will most likely be relinquished to a retirement home to live it out its remaining years with all the other old methods and old school pourers
  19. Most of their attention has focused on the injection side as they make superior baits with small appendages and such, that being said contact the various mold manufacturers as I'm quite sure they still have the machine code for any of the hand pour molds that they sold in the past. Lurecraft still offers the most selection as far as 1 piece hand pour molds are concerned.
  20. Now that's really weird, Apdriver were you trying from a smart phone cause when I responded to you earlier today I was on my phone and it wasn't showing up but it is on my laptop?
  21. I wonder if they took it down, did a preview and it was there when i get in from work I'll try again.
  22. Matt if your interested I would give you my roller tail cutter for the cost of shipping as I Don't make large tubes and have the tube molds to suit me, lemme know and I'll try and dig it up haven't seen it in awhile.
  23. sounds like your doing them for yourself you can easily make a dipping rod to your size and dip them do a search on dipping good stuff on here.
  24. This was posted on my local site that I'm a member of and I'm posting in the wire bait forum because of the bait used, keep your eye on the right side of the screen:
  25. I thought I read somewhere about a bubble type thing that they just lowered into the drum and put on a timer?
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