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Everything posted by gone2long

  1. CCM/Do-It has HDA its a liquid weight additive I personally don't have any experience with it but if you go over to CCM's forum the guys over there are swearing by it.
  2. Bob plain and simple your a Righteous son of a $$$$$, If your all that step it up and sell to the masses, your nothing but a hack! And I'm far from a Bear's fan but your weak assessment of a video speaks volumes to your character. So Frank you clearly state your alliance to someone other than Bear but why degrade a system you have no experience with, on the face value of a video why not invest in this unit and access it the same way you advocated Jacob's system? You two are lame no matter how you dice it, if your as bad as you say you are then produce something that can be used by the masses.
  3. Yep, left em no choice but to go on the defensive. Those types of questions are for the manufacturer not people who take a one dimensional photo/video and take hacks at it, but do look forward to your modifications to improve upon someone else's product after all it's the TU way!
  4. Give Kevin @ Basstackle a call he has a 5 inch version on his site I'm quite sure he can easily make a 4 incher if you give him a call the machine code prolly already exist. It's listed under stick worms.
  5. Yeah that and a mouthful of phthalates
  6. That's funny I always got a kick out of folks being so precise with matching colors down to minute variations, color for sure has a role but a micro shade off is not shutting down your fish catching success
  7. Free speech is all good but why ask questions or make suggested modifications to the open forum when this thing isn't even delivered to the end user yet, how about shooting Bear a PM or openly request his answers to your questions it's well known people will never come down from their soap box support for the guys they deal with but premature is an understatement for sure and pre "mature" being the key word here. Edited to read: Bear posted while I was typing but my statement stands.
  8. Wow you sure are just starting out not trying to discourage you but I would suggest you do some searching and reading on the intricacies of a small plastics business as it is quite costly. The demand for quality is high with the advent of hand/small machine injecting. Head to the CNC mold sites such as Bearsbaits, Basstackle, CCM or lurecraft to get an idea of what you will be dealing with. Good luck with your endevour.
  9. Bump - I'm getting to much flash in my tails with Chemionics soft so using Med or Hard will solve this I'm not getting it in any other mold so I'm quite sure stepping up to a harder formula will solve this? I really like the action of soft on most of my baits I'm not real concerned with longevity as I pour for myself so was thinking Med for the injection and hard for the dip anyone have good results with this application. And with the new providers of plastics what type is getting the best results I know this is a loaded question but now that there is many more options just looking for some direction.
  10. Give it a little bit I think Frank did quite a bit of testing on that machine think I remember seeing a video try searching for that I don't know if anything was lost during the site upgrade I haven't heard anything.
  11. yes they do its a great way for larger batches but the drop method still has its place for 4-8 oz batches.
  12. Bears Baits has the crazy craw with a similar profile all you need to do is cut off as much of the body as you want. http://www.bearsbaits.com/assets/images/cc1755s_thumbnail.gif
  13. Now that right there was funny
  14. Are you in an area that is humid or wetter than normal? check to see if you have micro bubbles in your plastic they may not surface so you need to look closely if you suck them up in your injector they will accumulate when injected, meaning they will collect and become larger in your mold just a thought as I've read this before.
  15. I don't know I would venture to guess that you could achieve 40lbs psi and better with a hand injector I had a mold splay open even with a clamp on it.
  16. Check do-it molds they have a good selection.
  17. As a rule I always do a 5 second count before pulling the injector then I purge some plastic from the injector into the sprue to top off. Seams that when the mold is still cool that the faster set time due to the cooler mold prevents dents but as the mold heats up it seams to draw more from the sprue.
  18. Yeah if I remember right he made a plug with it, you may try searching the hard bait forum.
  19. All I can add is my red flake is red when cooked in my watermelon so not sure if adding color its the real answer may be a bad batch of flake?
  20. Wow yeah something is not right but I've read to recover that condition that guys will torch the bubbles of the top and proceed as normal, but that looks like another player at work for sure.
  21. Yes run your plastic cooler as there is no need to fill any tight appendages and the like and you can use garlic cooking spray as a release agent on the rods. If your getting consistently sticky plastic you may need to shake the life out of your plastic to get the hardener off he bottom of the container most plastisols will settle and need to be agitated.
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