All good info so far here's my take on hand pour versus injection:
Both have their place in your arsenal I would recommend an injection starter kit from one of the above mentioned companies, get the mold that you will fish the most as you will immediately feel the results of your labor. I would also buy several hand pour molds of easier types of baits (no thin appendages here) as they are cheap and will give you years of useful production as you stated you wont be selling or doing volume. If you dare go ahead and buy one or two with more difficult features to understand the quirks of plastic but I would not recommend it be your only choice. Colorants come in many sizes but I would start off with the 1 oz sizes it sound like a small amount but it goes a long way and here you can determine what colors suit your taste before buying larger amounts, this also goes for flake same deal. As for what colors I would stick with pre made colors i.e. june bug, black, watermelon and the like then when you get the hang of it you can always blend your own colors, my point is you don't want to learn everything at once. Again as stated search the do's and don'ts section and search the web for YouTube videos on the process there are a ton out there from many folks on here. Have fun and good luck look forward to some pics!
Very important: make sure you read the safety requirements and suggestions for safety on here as I assure you we have all learned the hard way and this stuff can hurt you if not respected.