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Everything posted by gone2long

  1. I believe they have re-designed them since I built mine I think they are a little taller and a little narrower than mine but unless your pouring a ton capacity should not come into play as both seem to be 6 quart, I guess the higher the wattage the better but I see no need for it.
  2. If your doing this for the first time I recommend viewing Bojon's video on horizontal dipping you will need a gallon of plastic in a presto pot in order to get the proper length with vertical dipping rods, the longer you heat plastic the faster you will experience color change and overall breakdown of the plastic smaller batches are the way to go and Bojon's method is that way. Scroll to the bottom of the pasted link and view Bojon's videos on this subject. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/22062-dipping-tubes/page__hl__%2Bdipping+%2Btubes__fromsearch__1 Good luck and look forward to some pics of your creations!
  3. Yep I agree with pw the amount of time is peanuts see no reason to be in that much of a hurry as stated gives time to set up the only thing I do diff is I wait til just about ready to pour then add the flake as some don't like the heat to long.
  4. Most suppliers sell 1oz and its oil based so now worries drying out but a small bottle like that can be a little hard shaking to mix just drop a 1/4 20 nut in each bottle to act as a rattle you'll be fine. As to cost its negligible just find the guy you want to deal with and have at it.
  5. It should work fine M-F is plastisol just like the others.
  6. Yeah just add to the above do a search on youtube under injection there are some good video's on that very subject and will answer 90% of your questions.
  7. Yeah its a fine line between under pouring and over pouring I actually pour to above the top of the mold but not flowing out of it, it's a learning curve for sure and what your getting with the laminate issue is a cold crack so your leaving the first pour setup to long and prolly not pouring hot enough for the second pour to bond correctly, again it's one of those fine lines keep at it you'll find what works for you.
  8. Your leaving out to much info to help, are you talking 1 sided molds and hand pours or 2 piece injection? How many molds and what are they going to be made of? single color, laminates? Try listing these parameters it will help folks in assisting you with your endeavour and good luck.
  9. you seek Bojon and his wealth of knowledge on tube dipping but yes cooking spray is fine and garlic all the more better.
  10. May I suggest a scrounger head, Your bait may not be 100% homemade but I think you'll like the results I've been using them to impart action in my soft plastics for awhile now they work great. http://t0.gstatic.co...i3zWj7lxixfkO4T
  11. Bojon I have your PDF version if this would help not sure if I have video. Large file 645MB so if your ok with it and someone knows of a file hosting site that will allow uploading of a file this size in this format I'd be glad to help out.
  12. I've never heard of this issue in real world conditions what I mean is its a non issue when the bait is fished and stored correctly as far as the baits longevity and safety for fish well all I do know is none of the plastics we pour out there do not biodegrade and if swallowed will pass whole they do not break down at least not fast enough.
  13. Just use a flat block of wood and some sand paper the grit number will all depend on the condition of your first side, remember your going to seal side 1 before pouring side 2 on top so it doesn't have to be perfect.
  14. I would it won't hurt, it really depends on how well your side one turns out, but I'll tell you it's rare to get a perfect side as plaster seams to find it's way around the best secured bait.
  15. OK. this is not a PoP mold but you will get the idea of what an undercut is from this video, and by the way outside of the New York accent this is a good technique with fiberglass resin.
  16. I've seen guys remove the baits from side 1 and sand until the under cut was gone then re-insert the baits to pour side 2, as for determining amount just fill the mold with water both for side 1 then side 2 before hand then just mark level for each and pour off into a measuring cup.
  17. friday a week ago? If thats the case your expectations are awful high it can take a month from any one of the mold makers especially if its not on the shelf, and all take your money fight away thats the norm he'll get it to you just give it some time.
  18. I can't tell you if it's a spot on match but Bear has a changeable motor oil right out of the bottle that's the deal, makes a killer change affect.
  19. You seek Bojon I think he has a dvd set on the whole process but I'm sure he will chime in, if not shoot him a PM.
  20. I picked up a pair of korker's and they came with the standard no slip rubber sole, I'd like to get an optional pair of soles I see they have felt with or without studs my question is can you walk say down a few trails to get to the water or do you swap them out at waters edge?
  21. No real trick to using them as long as you follow directions but a mask and ventilation are mandatory as this stuff is highly susceptible to becoming airborne. Think most sell it i.e. M-F, Lurecraft, Bears. Oh and although I personally have not done it I thought someone sold a hypodermic needle type device for injecting air into a bait but I have not read anything on that in years and do not know if that works.
  22. I've used the dye for dipping chart tails on light color baits and it works good.
  23. That's a good point Mick I really never thought of it after it leaves the vent would like to hear the comments on this one I do know that it will produce some oily solids on the filter media in my vent but that's over a long period.
  24. yeah really you can't take back once a pot of plastic dumps on ya I see no reason not to go the extra mile in the name of safety and bolt it down.
  25. I had a piece of furniture that just work without any modification but you can get the idea from this pic, if you look closely you can see slotted pieces of wood on each side that is so I can adjust a platform I made out of and old cutting board it gives me multiple height adjustments for pouring 1 piece molds or 2 piece stand up molds and the like, also note that I used all thread to secure the pot to the table these things are top heavy and hot plastic is no joke:
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