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Everything posted by gone2long

  1. Dude nice work, man that looks like white CNC aluminum
  2. Sounds like a chemical reaction? Are you using the PAM to release the RTV from itself or the master from the RTV?
  3. Besides me knowing who makes that mold the giveaway was the small appendages, you would never get that detail in a hand pour mold.
  4. Are you using body filler? The fiberglass resin I use is for fiberglass matte for boat and body work and is thin when mixed and cures as fast or as slow as you like within reason, the less hardener you use the slower the cure and less shrinkage which I find is negligible. But I agree with the others that you should start with POP as a training curve that way you will be refined and won't waste expensive RTV or Resin while learning. And believe it or not you can make some really nice molds out of POP.
  5. Ah I see, yeah I thought that was an injection mold, nice work!
  6. Did you hand pour that or hand inject it?
  7. From all the pics that I've seen on the web it looks like the base is smoke, the blue flake may be giving it a blue hue?
  8. I have seen the new one and it's nice, the newer pots are narrower and looks a little taller.
  9. Not at all just can't figure out how someone can make such a negative statement about a companies product without giving them an opportunity to correct/resolve the issue. Seems kinda foolish to try and hurt someone's business in such a small arena such as the hand pouring market, which would be the result by the comments made on this thread.
  10. Well Frank your intelligence precedes you then as I see nothing in this statement that clarifies what the problem stratos was having other than a clear assault on a supplier of material, save your rhetoric you've made it clear your loyalty is with a select few so supporting statements like the one above is just your way of attacking others!
  11. O.K. got ya, I don't have any experience with that bait line but I've only seen comercials about this type of plastic think was a snake or something that claimed to be stretchy but haven't heard of it in the pouring circles yet.
  12. Yeah but you don't go and call a product out on a public board like that, you never gave the vendor or the manufacturer an opertunity of explaining or correcting the issue, after all this product line is new so a little tweeking is in order here. It's clear Bear's customer service record tells me you would have been compensated for your time and money.
  13. Wow tell us how you really feel? mind giving us a reason other than just trash talk? TU is about trash talk as of late, not sure why but loyalty is not cutting it Jerry it might be time to douche the hole stinking system if these guys just make blanket statements without some type of input?
  14. Well looking at your avatar it looks as if you are talking about hard swim baits being coated with soft plastics maybe posting in the hard bait section would gleen more info than in the soft bait section?
  15. Well I use RTV silicone (room temperature vulcanization) or bondo (fiberglass resin) for making molds for pouring plastic worms and the chemical name used for making worms/or baits is called (plastisol). For making molds for pouring lead I only have experience with aluminum molds (Do-It molds)
  16. I second this approach, I did the same thing and you can clearly see the difference in the spouts on those cups.
  17. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen, so yeah put it in a pretty box
  18. Here you go: http://www.landbigfish.com/images/store/showcaseimagepopups/Z089-159.jpg And heres the site for those odd color combo's that are hard to find: http://www.landbigfi...buyersguide.cfm Just go down to the color locator and your there! They list the special order colors here
  19. Core shots have been reproduced quite effectively with the injectors already on the market, they pour the outer color out of a cup into the mold (not quite halfway) then inject the core which pushes the outer color throughout the mold making very nice looking baits.
  20. Here try this site he seems to specialize in crappie molds: http://jacobsbaits.com/MOLDS.html
  21. I see Ghost baits tried to edit some of his posts but let it be a lesson when you do so make sure your not quoted first as you can see he has no control over those statements. Anal comes to mind Oh There's the smiley face so I'm just kidding, give me a break!
  22. Have you looked here: http://www.lurecraft...r-plastic-lures
  23. Try Bears motor oil right out of the bottle, best motor oil out there.
  24. I absolutely agree with that statement, but as mentioned shoot Kim a pm or e-mail they prolly can get you a better copy of what they have to offer. I have the catalog and you can get a better idea from that.
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