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Everything posted by gone2long

  1. Is there going to be a mark as read button? also a link for unread posts since last visit? Or am I not seeing it
  2. I used a rotisserie motor and works great! Plenty of torque.
  3. Yep injected they are, what I was trying to convey was that they are easily poured with an open pour 1 sided mold to get the same result as a trick worm versus the 2 part fully rounded version sorry for the mislead.
  4. I never saw a real zoom trick worm but its my understanding that they are "one sided" meaning the mold is an open pour 1 sided mold, I have LC's 6" trick worm mold and it pours great. It took me some time to get confidence that a 1 sided bait would catch fish but them I figure nothing in nature is perfectly round, straight or ribbed to look like some of the fully rounded baits out there.
  5. Start with a micro or hot plate trust me you won't be disapointed, 4-8 ozs is the norm when starting out as you will go through trial and error until you get the color recipes you like therefore you won't be wasting plastic on large runs from a presto pot. I built my pot with stirrer for under $100 and for the most part it sits there lookin pretty;) but agree with the rest that when needed its great.
  6. Sure sounds like your not getting the hard pack from settling on the bottom, I had the same problem when I started.
  7. Not sure if this is what your looking for but it may help you:
  8. Heat diffuser yes, When I first started I used a hot plate/burner and the first thing I did was to use a cast iron pan on the burner it kept the temp much more accurate and even so no need for a special pan aluminum works just fine. I also flour my salt in a cheap coffee grinder works great.
  9. Wow now isn't that the truth take it from someone who has limited funds and is looking for a deal, I haven't seen a Bears mold yet and I'm no cheerleader as I've only purchased 1 4oz bottle of colorant from bear which by the way is one killer changeable motor oil I
  10. I gotta tell ya if your into it more for the hobby make your own but if you just want them for an outing or two buy them by all means I only pay a couple dollars for mine pre rigged and with many choices. They can be very difficult to store/handle once removed from their package:lolhuh:Its like letting the genie out of the box:lol: Oh and by the way make sure there are no restrictions in your state, here where i'm at in PA we have to cut 3 of the 6 hooks off when going for herring during the striper run.
  11. Well said I hate like hell when someone over here starts a rant about a product without giving that vendor a chance to explain/correct the problem if one really exists in a PM. Can't tell ya how many times the "problem" was that of the user, as stated these vendors have areas where you can ask first, then if you feel that you didn't get a worthy response then you can ask the publics opinion.
  12. I've been curious to see someone do this as well, like that sears unit i was thinking it would make great molds for plastics all you would need to do is pour a blank out of fiberglass resin and mill that.
  13. I read a nice thing about Bear's 2 color injector is that if you purchase 2 additional nozzles for the small injector you now have two single color units as well, those guys over there are the bomb when it comes to injection molds - its killin me as I don't have the cash now.
  14. Do a search on how to make a mold and pour your own!
  15. I second the clamshells, swimbaits, jerkbaits will deform quite easily in bags.
  16. Another thought would be if your trailer has breaks are they working properly? too much force from stopping could be a cause.
  17. Looking for plain and simple white belly recipe, I have LC White & LC Silver Minnow and White Pearl powder - found a Silver belly but looking for a White variant. Low on plastic so don't want to experiment with creating a color. Thanks in advance for any assistance provided. Chris
  18. Ditto on the Presto Pot, heard nothing but nightmares with plastic and the Lee pots.
  19. I just use the resin but I back off a little on the catalyst so as to not create to much heat when curing, works great and I have made several molds.
  20. Has anyone tried the glazing for ceramics? paint it on heat it up and it turns to like glass? Or will the POP suffer during heating?
  21. It's exspensive but works great and goes a long way: Mend-It! Soft Bait Glue Real nice for making new baits with various parts when making molds.
  22. Lurecrafts mold #5x749 http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q80/mrbilky/DSCF0223.jpg is a match to zooms trick worm and is a 1 piece mold that pours great. Get yourself a starter kit and a few colors that you use and have at it. Make sure you get glitter that is made for high temps, store craft glitter tends to melt. Read Lurecraft's website I think for what you want to do medium plastic will do.
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