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About bluefin1

  • Birthday 08/06/1982

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  • Interests
    fishing, rod buiding, lure making, back packing, and kayaking. The only bad thing everything cost money.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. almost done with first hard bait

  2. Im currently trying to make a few right now and I was told to use a swivel and pins or you can use a plastic hinge cut to your size or you can make the hinges with sheet metal. but any who in tutorials there is a guy making a bait using pvc board but it shows you how to use the hinge style. well hope you figure it out. like I said im still working on it but good luck.
  3. hello, Thanks ahead of time with all my previous post. Right now am waiting on my lathe to make my saltwater poppers, but in the mean time I wanna make about a dozen inch to inch and half jerk baits. I have tried to search youtube with no luck but I was wondering what do I need for this. were can I buy the the parts. Any tips will help. Thank you, Again Michael
  4. hello, Im looking at makeing some salt water poppers but i dont know where to begin at. I currently pour my own swimbaits and worms but I have not tried to make any type of hard baits. can any body help me please. thank you
  5. Can you melt Aluminun in a lee meltig pot, if so, is it just a piece of a aluminnum you buy from a metal supplyer. if not, what can you use besides a 2 part plastic or lead. is there another metal I should use. the reason why I ask Im trying to attempt to make some surface irons any advice is helpful Thank You.
  6. hello I was trying to get ready to make a iron jig I haven't started yet. Im trying to get ideas on how to go about this I would like to due some made from metal and some from a hard plastic so they can be used as a surfae iron and yoyo, but what due you use to make a mold what type of metal besides lead. What type of plastic. or are there molds you can buy like swimbaits. My back ground in this is not much. I started building rods a year ago the about three monts into it I started lure making but only done swimbaits, I bought the molds and made some wahoo bombs and some knife lures. I dont have a melting pot for lead but looking to get one once I figure out how to make the iron jigs. i have some old ones to make a replica but looking to try some ideas i have. im not planing to sell there just for me and friends. I know its really not cost effective but I like to past the time when im not working.
  7. I wanna get in to making swimbaits I found a couple of molds on lure craft. but what i was wondering what do i need to do this a list of supplies would be great thank you.
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