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Everything posted by george12182

  1. I have some questions for you guys who do multiple colors or add glitter clear coats to jigs when you are doing large quanities? For example if you are painting 100 jigs. Do you first put your base coat on all 100 then come back and put the glitter coat on them. Since I found out I should be lowering the heat setting for the clear coat, it seems like it would be real tedious to keep swithcing the heat back and forth on every jig.
  2. I really didn't get a chance to play around with it that much. The only jig I had come out clear the glitter was uneven but I'm pretty sure that was my fault as I didn't have it mixed up good. I'm going to try a lower heat tonight and let you know. If it comes out right it should look awesome. I fish alot with green pumpkin and black flake spider grubs. So I got some green pumpkin paint and the black glitter for a top coat. On a side note, do you guys use a fluid bed for the glitter coat or just right from the jar?
  3. On columbia coatings website under powder additives they have something called powder water. It is supposed to make powder paint like normal paint I think. Anyone ever use this?
  4. I just ordered some herbies magic dust powder paint. I am having a problem with the black glitter clear clear coat. When I painted the jigs the glitter was all uneven but it was still clear. So I tried putting in my fluid bed. Now when I coat my jigs with the clear coat it looks milky white. I used the fluid bed cup for smoke colored paint before and wiped it out and shook out the eccess but there was still a litte bit in the cup. Do you think this caused it? If not what happened?
  5. Hawnjigs, I bought a walleye head mold with the double collar with an 1/8oz cavity for twisters that I am going to use for these until I get the football head dilema figured out.
  6. I would buy the lunker city heads but the only hook size they offer is 2/0 which is too big.
  7. I am trying to find the perfect jighead to fish this lure. It is a cabin creek small spider grub. The grub comes in two pieces. It is basically a separate skirt with a 2" double tail So I need a double collar or something to keep it from sliding down. The head I want to fish it with is a 1/8 oz football head. I want the hook to be a 90 degree fine wire size 1. I have come with several ideas. I am wondering what you guys think is the best route to go or if you have any other ideas. This jig head will be for personal use. I do not plan on selling them. 1) Get a custom mold. This is expensive though. Not sure how much still waiting for a price qoute. Also I don't know if they'll be patent ifnringement issues (I have a seperate thread for this). Here's a pic of the jig I'd like a mold for. 2) Do it has a weedless football head that has a double collar that has a 1/8 oz cavity. I though of trying this and filing down the basehole pins to make it nonweedles. However this only excepts 60 degree hooks and the only 60 degree hook I can find that makes a size 1 is eagle claw and I hate eagle claw. The eagle claw 410 is also a heavy wire and I want a fine wire hook. I may try going with a 1/0 mustad 60 degree but from the photos it seems like these hooks run long which will be an issue. Is it hard to modify a mold that calls for a 60 degree hook to fit a 90 degree? 3)Use a single barb football head(already own the mold) and use soft bait glue to hold the double tail in place. It seems like this may be my best option and probably what I may end up going with. The only problems with this is that I do alot of wading and try to keep it as simple as possible. Also the glue is expensive and if your not careful it's easy to get it on stuff you don't want. 4) Add a wire keeper. I tried this and since the grub is so small and the plastic is real soft, it rips the grub up alot. I really don't think this is going to be an option. It's also a pain to make a mold the keepers. 5) Try to dremel another collar on my single barb mold. The problem I think I'm going to have with this is their isn't really much room to work with on the collar of the mold and am not really that experienced with the dremel. The skirt takes up most of the room on the collar and with the quick taper of the collar on my mold I don't think this will be a possibilty. 6)Use a roundhead double collar instead of the football head. This is also something I may end up doing. Sorry about the lenght of the post. I open to all and any ideas.
  8. Does anyone know roughly what shawn collins charges for a custom mold? I emailed him a week ago but haven't gotten a response back. From some older posts, it seems like he is hard to get in touch with him sometimes. I know he previoulsy quoted me 125 for molds he already has designed. But I'm wondering if its more if he has to design it? Also, will custom mold makers copy an existing jig/lure if there is a patent on it. I don't plan on selling the jigs, they are just going to be for personal use.
  9. No prob. One thing though, the one on barlow's is only for .031 diamaeter wire and smaller. This is probably too small for most spinnerbaits. I've seen this on another site that came in a bigger size, just can't remember which one. I think it was either netcraft stamina or do-it.
  10. I know have seen some name brand spinnerbaits that have something like this. When I get a chance I'll go through my box to see If I have any like this. Maybe try surgical tubing like you would use to put a trailer hook on. This would probably work as well. It's from barlows.
  11. I am just getting started powder painting as well. Although I have no first hand experience with the glitter some information seemed to be consistent in reading through other posts. Depending on the glitter, some if it will melt. You either need a high temp glitter or any of the ones designed for powder paint. Protec sells the glitter seperate if you want to mix or several companies sell it mixed already with a clear top coat. You can't mix the glitter directly with all colors. Some colors just asorb the glitter. For these colors you have to mix the glitter with a clear powder and then give it a topcoat. The colors you can mix directly with glitter are the candy colors. Any of the more experienced members, please correct me if I misstated anything.
  12. I don't think even with a different filter you will get enough air flow. A coffee filter lets quite a bit of air through. What size fluid bed you using. If you are using a 3", I would try buying an adapter so you can use a 2" cup. This will add a significant amount of air flow for you. For even more airflow go with a straight 2" fluid bed.
  13. I've heard the most durable brand is supposed to be sally hansens hard as nails. $2 bucks a jar at walmart. I really don't have any personal experience using it for whole jigs. I've used it to paint eyes though.
  14. Welcome to TJ's Tackle This site sells them and has videos explaining them and demonstrating them. You can also make them yourself.
  15. I just started powder painting as well and agree 100% with what akriverrat said. If your dipping in the jar you have to either stir it up or shake it every couple jigs to keep the paint nice and loose. You also have to make sure you get the jig head hot enough. If you get too much powder on you can move it back over the torch after you dip it to kind of spread it out. If you have way too much powder on that will only help so much though. The fluid be really helps a ton. I built one myself. Cadman on here has directions on how to do it. If you google tj's tackle, they sell them on their site as well. Tj's tackle also had videos demonstrating them.
  16. I would say your definately going to need skirts longer than the standard 5" size. Not only are they going to be too short, youre going to want thicker cut strands. Products Lure Parts Online (formerly stamina) has the 7" loose material as well as them already made up. With the longer skirts they also have thicker strands as well. The prices aren't too bad if your not making them for production. If your making them to sell I'd try to find some cheaper.
  17. I was bored yesterday so I tried some nail polish. I bought some fine tip brushes to use with it. Either the brushes weren't fine enough or the paint was too thick. It worked all right, nothing spectacular though. I couldn't really get any consitency. Some came out good while others didn't. It sounds like the paint markers are probably the way to go. I'm gonna give them a try.
  18. I was searching through some previous posts last night on these skirts. I remember reading about the bass pro one's and people who bought them said they weren't the same thing. I probabably spent around an hour so searching here and the rest of the web and no luck. I think you can only get them premade. Maybe if you got them direct from the company you can get bulk material but thats alot more than I would need.
  19. I know cadman swears by their glitter. I think I'm gonna order some of their stuff to try out.
  20. After you get done powder painting a spinnerbait head, jig etc, whats the best way to add gills and stuff. I've thought about trying nail polish, vinyl jig paint, or paint markers. It'd be nice not to have to go the trial and error route though.
  21. Does anyone know if you can get the round silicone used in starflash skirts in skirt tabs instead of already made up?
  22. I think the one's from glc look alot better than the one's from hilts. They make some good stuff too. I've used their skirts before and really like them. I think they make the skirts for strike king and I know they make skirts for the original chatterbaits. Even though the hilt's mold is 60 bucks, the inserts are only 15. I haven't hear much about them though. I've done some searching and what little feedback there is its mixed. I'd think I pass on that perfect mold. Also, is hilts's even still in business? Some of their stuff on their website is from 2005. If I had a specific design in mind, I would go with shawn collins though. I don't have of this molds but they look great. I really like his hidden head spinnerbait mold. I buy spinnerbait heads off some some guy on ebay that I think come from one of his molds.
  23. Got a response back from my email George, Thanks for the inquiry. We're a little behind schedule on getting our new silicone mold system into production. I probably won't get them to my distributors until the 2010 season now. Sorry. Just have too many irons in the fire this year and business has been unbelievably strong. Stay in contact with me and when I get the ball rolling on these new molds, you'll be the first to know. Again, thanks for your interest in GLC Fishing products.
  24. 800 pounds of paint!!! Thats just wild. I was worried what I was going to do with a pound of one color.
  25. Has anyone ever used or have any opinions on the molds on the "DO-IT YOURSELF SILICONE LURE MOLDS" on this site. Theyr'e half way down the page. New For 2009. GLCFishing.com They look pretty interesting. I emailed the person on that site about them and am waiting on a response back.
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