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About golfador

  • Birthday 01/01/1969

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  1. I am curious about the changeable colors and how to change them. Specifically MF brown/grape. 1. Is it possible to darken up the brown portion? 2. I am also curious about how they are made. I would assume the two colors are different chemically otherwise they would just mix. [/img]
  2. Can you share your contact at inpact with us? Less than a month ago I called inpact and was quoted $138 per 1000 on 7x4 laminated bags. Johnson is $103. And Johnson is $103 for everyone.
  3. I had thought about the multiple cavities as well. I have 5 cavity Stick worm molds and ThinEsse worm molds from Bear and some multi cavity molds from Kevin. I have thought about having a 20 or 30 cavity ThinEsse worm mold built but wondered about the effect on the plastic. The sprue would hold a lot of plastic which would lead to a lot of waste, especially when pouring laminates. I would think the likelihood of bad baits would increase. I do agree that multi cavity molds would be faster than singles even if the mold does get hot a lot faster. I also take all of the screws out of my molds and use clamps.
  4. Seems like Johnson Bag quoted me a $250 set up fee per color and I had to order a minimum of 15,000. Per bag price was about the same. Johnson is by far the best supplier of laminated bags. Service is awesome and their price is a lot cheaper than inpact. I buy all of my bags from them.
  5. Credits say Bobs tackle Shack. But you could probably get one of the other suppliers like Bear to have an injection version built.
  6. Anyone know what I could use to attach skirts to grubs? The glue in the small containers is cost prohibitive.
  7. Jim, you glasses are ugly....LOL:lol:
  8. there seem to be 2 sides to this argument and you are going to get a different answer from each. I would suggest contacting each vendor personally and figuring out the best way. All you are going to get here is the same old Ford is better than Chevy argument unless the 2 vendors agree stay out of it. I would be happy to answer any questions you have. Email me
  9. I use the Calhoun in 2.5 gallon jugs. I have several empty jugs. The first thing I do when ready to use a jug is pour it into an empty 2.5 gallon jug. I pour it back and forth a couple of times to mix it. From that point on it is easy to shake and deal with because of the initial amount I pour with. I like the larger jugs because it creates less waste. Plus I like the sweet smell of the Calhoun
  10. Well said. Some people could cut their self with a cotton ball. How about everyone just let this thread die and I will answer Jim's questions by email?
  11. The baits can be shot at a lower heat actually. From time to time I get caried away and let larger batches get a little too hot. Some are curled but not as bad as some of the bigger companies put out
  12. Hey Jim, I inject between 5 and 10 gallons per week. I have several of Bear's injectors in different sizes. I also use 6 different pots and own 60 or so injection molds. I have a large injector that I use when I am going to do a constant stream of 200 or more of one type of bait. The reason I have more than one injector is so I can inject 3 or even 4 colors at one time between molds cooling. It sounds like you and I are running the same sort of volume. I have ran over 100 gallons through my injectors and molds and have not had a single incident. the safety issue that some are claiming does not exist in my opinion. I can speak to the customer service with Bear and it is top notch. I have had no dealings with Del so I have no idea what his is like. But Del appears to have good stuff as well. any questions feel free to email me at bobby@keenomfishing.com. I am a voice of reason, trust me
  13. Bear, quick, easy to deal with, fair....treats people the way they should be treated
  14. I have tried several and this one is the easiest to make and the highest quality. Staffer has won 4 tourneys in a row using them.
  15. What is the ingredient in this stuff that causes baits to change colors?
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