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Everything posted by raywillett

  1. If interested I have lots of colorants in larger bottles. I can sell you a few colors in smaller bottles.
  2. Josh is an excellent guy to deal with! His molds are top quality!!! At least he is telling you how long it will take. If you are concerned about the time send him an E-mail through his web site. He may be getting ready to cut that mold for someone else and can get to you sooner.
  3. go with the aluminum! I hear the stone mold are a pain to work with. Also the trade value is higher for the aluminum.
  4. raywillett

    Open pour molds.

    interested in number 5
  5. thanks. not sure how i added this to the hardballs forum. is there a way to move it to the softballs forum?
  6. I was looking around for this topic and cannot seem to find it. Another member had posted how he soaked his plastic in a mixture of worm oil and scent in a sealed container before bagging. Looking for this thread., but interested in additional comments. How do you add scent and or worm oil for the best results? thanks
  7. Do you have a bait junkies stirring system? I would trade you my bear's for your bait junkies if you are unhappy with them! PM me
  8. Great mold. I have 2 of them with another 2 on the way. Josh is great to deal with! Give him a call and he can send you some samples if need them.
  9. Bait junkies is the best i have seen. The paddle is smaller and spins faster then bear's. It allows you to use your injectors without cutting of the stirring motor. Bear's is good, but I am thinking about changing the Baitjunkies when I can afford it.
  10. I use polytranspar and like it. I am not an expert just an occasional painter. The bottles tend to allow evaporation over time even when stored inside.
  11. I have 1-2 cavity 4" Del's beaver and 1-2 cavity 3.25" Del's beaver Mold. Both molds for $300.00 tyd
  12. pretty sure it is custom from ultra molds.
  13. Please post some pics of your modified belly weight mold. great video!!!
  14. thanks Dave. Out of those molds which one is the closest copy?
  15. you ever decide to sell that robo mold i want it!!!!
  16. WTB Bears royal blue and marine blue, thanks
  17. raywillett

    WTB Bears colorant

    Looking for Bears royal blue and marine blue
  18. raywillett

    WTB Del's Beaver

    Want to buy a Del's Sweet Beaver mold.thanks
  19. flash is when plastic pushes out of the body of the mold from too much pressure. it is extra plastic that is forced out of the mold beside the bait. hope i explained it well. if not pm me your phone number and i will text you a picture.
  20. Did you paint it with engine paint? If so how did it turn out?
  21. Which Beaver mold do you prefer? I want to purchase a few beaver molds and am undecided between the Do-it Essential series Beaver and the Angling A. I Beaver mold. Has anyone compared the Angling A.I. bait to a R.I. Sweet beaver?
  22. thanks! Has anyone used bait junkies sent or upper hand?
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