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Pitbull Baits

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Everything posted by Pitbull Baits

  1. I am just looking for someone that still hand dips tubes.
  2. I would dry them on a rack. That way it drys top and bottom or lean them up on something to air out the bottom as well.
  3. Where is the dents or caving in at? Can you post a picture?
  4. Anybody know how to make this color? I don't want to order it.
  5. I seen ones that vent out the back at all the big box hardware stores. They started out at around $29.95. I wouldn't try and alter it could be a hazard waiting to happen.
  6. You would be good with a 300 cfm hood. 1,000 cfm are for kitchens when you are running fryers, grills ovens and so on. A range hood in your house is no more then 600 cfm 9 out of 10 times. Your only trying to pull the air around the stove top area out. if you get into 1,000 cfm hoods you would have to bring in make up air (fresh air). Otherwise your not going to pull 1,000 plus cfm's. Everyone seems to think the more power you got the better it is. That's not the case for the small area's we are trying to cover. If you want a brand new 4'x8' stainless steel kitchen hood with a 1,200 to 1,500 cfm exhaust fan, built in fire extinguishers, Safety shut off panel, grease traps and lights in it I got one at my work for around $3,000 plus shipping. You will need a make up air unit with a heater built in it. We just didn't use it on a job and are stuck with it.
  7. I have a 30'X40' building I work out of. I think I know the style of house you are talking about. If you can just work closer to the doors. You could put up and range hood and the vent it out but you would have to pop a hole through the wall. You could just make it look like a dryer vent coming out the side of your house. You would have a flapper on it so the cold doesn't come back in. You have a wide range of things you could do for venting in the space you got.
  8. If you get a range hood just make sure its the ones you can vent outside. Some of them just pull the air through a filter of sorts on the bottom and blow the air out the front of it. That is the ones PW is talking about. You can get some flex type piping for cheap and run it right out the bottom of the garage door. Then block off the other open area on the bottom with something. During the winter I block my double doors in me shop with blue tarps and duct tape it the frame. You could do something like that but just for the bottom area of the door.
  9. You really like showing that off don't you!!!!!!
  10. Ya forgot fresh air supply K. If ya want to suck air out you need to bring fresh air in. A $30 range hood should work fine. You may need to get a 3 1/4" X 10" register boot so you can round pipe it out. Then you can get 4 inch to 6 inch round pipe. Its a lot cheaper then buying 31/4 X 10 duct, 45 degree ells and 90 degree ells. CFM"S for a Broan/ Nu tone Range hoods range from 250 cfms to 600 cfms. They do go higher but your talking some big time cash for that then. I just use a box fan in front of my window. I also have a shop and my pouring station is right in front of the window for that reason. I set it on low and it sucks it all out. Mind you its 10 inch"s from the window.Depending o0n your height from the fan I wouldn't go over 300 cfms. *That's just my opinion* (Disclaimer) Kajan is a fellow sheet metal guy
  11. You can call Kim at LC and she will tell you. It should be around $25 to $30.
  12. MF also sells a sinking plastic. I think you have to add a little salt to it.
  13. My swim baits I don't use any salt in them. I use medium LC Green Plastic for all my swim baits. I don't scent my swim baits because I feel its more of a reaction bite then a scent bite. If I do scent the one I am throwing I use a shad scent. Not really sure why your color is fading maybe because of the reheat. Some colors will get lighter after a remelt or did you add any new plastic in with no coloring. Then I don't think the flavoring you got from the store should be used it plastics. I think it is water based for one and it could be causing your hardness problem. If your going to use that as a scent I would add it after they are poured. I use pickling salt when I add salt to my plastics. I can't remember why your not supposed to use table salt.
  14. No not color blind just used the wrong colors lol. I was using candy apple red and regular purple. So it came out more purple then red and that's what was throwing me off. I used Al's color selection and hit it dead on the first time
  15. If I remember right didn't Mad Men Craws sue Yum and win like 4 million dollars a couple years ago?
  16. That's happens when you copy them. When I had my molds made I had the tail made a little shallow. My tail is a touch thinner then a Berkley power worm. If you make a master to make a mold from pop. Just make the tail thinner then you want it. if the tails are to thick use a heavier weight. That will get the action to come out of the tail then.
  17. I am trying to make plum. I can't seem to get it right. I been using candy apple red and purple but just can't get it right. Anybody got any mix already figured out.
  18. I have custom made hand pour ribbon tail worm molds. The first ones I made were out of a pop mold. So they can be made in a pop mold.
  19. This idea was on a couple years ago. I think someone put a dryer sheet in the middle of a stik bait. I guess it worked well from what they said. Not sure how far you can search back anymore.
  20. Do you want a injection type mold or a hand pour mold?
  21. The place I listed they will not remake it for anyone. Its yours and yours only.
  22. Here's the guys I use Eagle Precision Machine 402-464-6474. They have 15 years injection mold making experience. They will get you a free quote out in a week. They are pretty good on the time it takes to get them made. They will give you a date for them to be cut out and they will beat the date or meet it.
  23. I use both. The both have their uses in my shop.
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