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Everything posted by joeb47130

  1. joeb47130

    Swimbait repaint

    No problem. Good luck. Post some pics if you decide to try one.
  2. joeb47130

    Swimbait repaint

    I used a dental picking tool. After cleaning the joints as best I can I use acetone around the joints applied with a fine paintbrush.
  3. joeb47130

    Swimbait repaint

    I have three with this color scheme. Crappie or bass next.
  4. joeb47130

    Swimbait repaint

    Dick Nite top coat dip.
  5. joeb47130


    Nice snake!
  6. joeb47130

    Dec 30 M 002

    Another fantastic job! Love the scale pattern on this one.
  7. joeb47130

    Dec 30 M 007

    Killer paint bro! What do you feed this thing? Love the dark brown above/behind the gill plate! Do you dip or spray your clear coat?
  8. joeb47130

    dec30 005

    Any chance you could make a smaller version? Killer paint. Hope you don't mind if I steal your scheme for some of my swim baits!
  9. joeb47130

    Swimbait repaint

    Thanks. First Swimbait ever. Have been painting poppers for about a year. i have more of these that I am going to paint with a completely different pattern.
  10. Unfortunately, I did not! This was a blank I bought off of the internet. Just painted it myself. Thanks for the input though!
  11. joeb47130

    Swimbait repaint

    First stab at this. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  12. joeb47130

    dec30 005

    Yeah, that's the real deal. Excellent!!
  13. Just wanted too thank everyone for all of your suggestions. Finally made my first Swimbait. I said I would post a pic so here it is. Sorry about the crappy resolution. Please, any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again TU army!
  14. Thanks for all of the input guys. Appreciate it. I hope to be posting some pics of some of the lures I have been working on soon. Thanks again!
  15. Anyone got suggestions on what type of clear coat to use for Spro type BBZ1 swimbaits? Wanting something that won't pool up between the segments. Also, should I hang dry or use a wheel? Thanks for any suggestions.
  16. What is the best way to apply Devcon 2 ton epoxy? I have been using a brush with mixed results. Thanks for any info.
  17. Not sure what you mean by "clearing". I am just spraying it, let dry, spray again, for five or six coats. It looks pretty good but the baits smell like fresh paint. I should have mentioned that I also have an airbrush, so if you have any other ideas please let me know.
  18. I am sure this has been asked before but I can't seem to find it. Can anyone tell me what the best type of spray on clear coat would be for crank-baits and topwater plugs? I have been using Krylon Crystal Clear. It seems to do a decent job but the lures still have that paint smell. Thanks.
  19. Thanks for the info. It is an alumalite product. You can find it under the casting resins tab. It has a specific gravity of 1.05, and a hardness of 72D. Whatever that means. I don't see anything about the density. I was planning on mixing microballoons into it to make sure it floats. I am basically following the same recipe Larry Dahlberg used on his "Hunt for Big Fish" television show. So I can just use a spray paint for the base coat. Thanks. I will gladly accept any other tips!
  20. I just got started making my own topwater lures. I am using a two part casting resin, Super Plastic, just wondering if anyone can help me with what type of paints to use with an airbrush? Thanks for any tips!
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