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Germantown Bob

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About Germantown Bob

  • Birthday 06/17/1957

Germantown Bob's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I have given up completely on Mike's as they are just Clueless! I now get all my parts for my Abu's from Dad's Ole Tckle in Conroe TX, and a few from Gilbert's Paylake in KY. The guy at Dad's is really great, he is helpful over the phone with info and he ships lightning fast! Give him a try...
  2. I have had good and bad results with Mike's Reel Repair, but always the service is slow. They (Mike's) blame it on the Postal Service in Canada, but the last order I placed and prepaid, they lost or misplaced it and after 3 weeks it had not been shipped. I raised hell with them over the phone and they said they would get it right out...three more weeks went by and the oprder finally came in and it had the wrong bearings in it. I had ordered Ceramic bearings and they sent S.S. Needless to say in my book, you don't get three strikes, two strikes and they are out. i will be shopping elsewhere from now on.
  3. I know what he means,,,I used to uas fine grade craft glitters in clearcoat, but I really had to watch the heat or the polimer glitter would melt...Herbie's Glitters are all metallic flakes suspended in clearcoat and are a breexze to use and come out like looking thru gel-coat!
  4. I really like the Powder paints I get from "Herbies Magic Dust" It seems to gloss much easier than Pro Tec and they have a rpetty cool website... Herbie's Magic Dust - Helping Fisherman Everywhere!
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