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Everything posted by ScottSC

  1. Finally, my POP mold is sealed, and works! I've done many searches on this site, and everyone with their questions and posts has been very helpful! longhorn, nova & senkosam; many thanks! very key point, not just elmers glue, but elmers "GLUE ALL" - very key! (black is mine, white is original) thanks, ScottSC
  2. does anyone sell or know if you can get something similar to strike king or Z-man's "3x" type material or plastic? that is very streachy and doesn't tear or break easily? i've done a search, but no results for "3x", and too many when i add "plastic". Thanks, Scott
  3. Has any one made or tried to make a mold for this bait? Also, anyone tried to copy the recipie for salt/plastic content in this bait? I have thought about making a plaster mold, but thought I'd post here first. thanks, ScottSC
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