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Everything posted by Mnbassbuster002
Just a thought but are you letting the bodies cure long enough I know with alumilite I usually let them cure five to seven days. Not sure if that's it but I have had trouble with that happening to my baits.
They make a kit of rattle cans that u can use. I found mine at napa it is like 30 dollars for the kit there are like 3 different colors you can get. Blue to silver green to purple. And I don't remember the other
If you are getting bubbles in your devcon you may be mixing it to fast before you put it on the bait I have had problems with that in the past. Also with your finish you need a drying wheel of some sort. They are easy to build. I actually just use a cordless drill for the times I only finish one bait at a time. All you have to do is take one table clamp (for clamping wood or anything together) and put it so the handle side is up then clamp your cordless drill down with another then rig up a hook for the head of the drill a d put a swivel on the other clamp and put tour bait in and eig the drill to spin very slow (I have a dealt that has high and low speeds I set it on the low speed). While it spins brush your epoxy on and then you can let it spin till the battery is dead. You should have an extremely smooth coat od epoxy then. I know it sound like a lot of work but it takes about 2 minutes to set up. I would post you a picture but I am writing this on my phone and can't upload photos on it. Hope it helps and good luck Jeremy
Also I forgot to mention if it is a weight placement issue and you have problems with it swimming on its side and you drill the weights into the bottom it may be that your weight goes too far up the bait. Try taking the weight and drilling it in between the joints and hiding it in the bottom if the bait under the bottom screw eye.
It a lack of balloons I've had the same trouble in the past. My most consistent mix seems to be two part resin to one part balloons. This seems to work well for everything. You can always add more or less but start with that. Good luck
I think more so than color the action gets the fish to strike. In some cases color can have an effect on fish but overall if something looks like its food a fish will eat it. Just my two cents
You might also use the stencil and make the lines a little more thin then go back over it and soften the edges a little.
I am thinkin more along the lines of the rubberized outside with hard core. Could I use the alumilite flex stuff for the outside or is there a better product to use. I was thinking there was a product that may work without having to coat it with something. For the consistency I was thinking something similar to maybe the river2sea Kong fins. Thanks for the info. It is much appreciated
Is there any chance the flex stuff is strong enough to hold a screw eye or is it soft plastic like worms or flukes.
Does anyone know if there is an additive for alumilite or any other resin similar to make it flexible
No I'm not looking for an epoxy. I already thin my epoxy I would just like to know if There are any types of resin that are semi soft or a way to soften alumilite. I would like to see if there is a way to make a product like allumilite and soften it without Sacrificing strength Thanks Jeremy
Does anyone know if there is something to add to resin to make it softer but still as strong when it Sets up completely. Thanks for any help. Jeremy
I would say createx. Its good stuff and they make stuff especially for air brushing
You can also buy mojo weights and use cheap screw eyes to place them In different spots on the bait to get the desired result. I do this on Swimbaits and it doesn't seem to effect the action much if any. Drill a Small hole through the weight n put the screw eye through the hole. Now You can move the weight anywhere on the bait
Thanks for the info. I think I watched that show when it first aired Now that you mention it. I was thinking of trying but figured why not Ask first. I have a couple of muskie baits I have drawings of a couple I want to try. I have an 11 inch largemouth I am going to try. It should Work good up here in northern Minnesota for those toothy critters. Hopin to Maybe get a start on either that or a trout tomorrow. Again thanks for the info
Hey guys, Just a quick question for all of you. Does anyone know if you can Dye alumilite without affecting the strength of it.
if you don't want to use devcon or etex i have had good luck with mini wax wood hardener. it's very thin and runny. u can easily apply it with a small paint brush. i've used it on a few of my baits and had no problems yet. u can get it at home depot i know for sure but i am sure that most hardware stores would have it
sorry i didn't see your video i was just reading the responses i made a pike very similar to that and it worked good with just the the tail fin. here is the like to a picture and the link to the video. the paint is a little rough but it's for muskies so i don't think they will mind.
if your fiber fins aren't working well and you still want to put fins on u can use a soft plastic fin. i have done that with a few baits. i just stole them off some ripped up charlie's or baits like that they seem to work well. i prefer the fibers though for where i am from... too many muskies and pike. hope it helps out Jeremy
My apologies to both of you i did not know you both were friends. i just dislike seeing random things on a web-site like this. as for the mold you might try barlow's or lurecraft. i just flipped through my barlow's catalog and saw a couple of molds similar not sure if it's the one you are looking for but it is fairly close. my apologizies again for being ignorant. Jeremy
Totally agreed Vodka. This whole thread has really no relevance really wouldn't mind seeing this one removed. i thought it would be something interesting but nope just another bunch of idiots rambling on oh well i guess what can ya do
So i've just started making hard plastic jointed swimbaits and i was wondering if any of you guys could tell me the best hook hangers to use. i have been making wood ones for a while and i have just used the twisted wire or screw eyes for them. can u still use those for the resin ones or is there a better way to do it? thanks Jeremy
well said dave. that is where i'm at with a couple of baits. i have a pike one that looks really good in the water and a golden shiner that i just switched to clay so i can make a mold of it. i just need to bake it and make the mold i'm hopin to get the mold made tomorrow maybe we'll see how ambitious i get.
The thing i have noticed about wood vs other materials is that you can catch fish on the others or whatever it be but you can get that one wood crankbait that will out-produce any other bait you could throw. i have bought Poe's cedar crankbaits for bass fishing and not all of them work the same for some reason but you can usually get one or two that work amazing. why i think this happens is that whe a company makes baits they make it from differnt parts of the tree. the baits made from the outer parts of the tree will be less dense than the ones made from the center of the tree. just my thoughts hope it helps in some way. Jeremy
i was actually thinking of doing the same thing and the idea i have come up with is us some clay an fill the joints with that make sure it's smooth before you pour your resin. the bait will be a little bit longer than the original so if you want to make it the same size you will have to cut out where your joints were in the original. i am thinking that you will have to sand some of it down but i'm thinking that you will be able to put out a few more baits with the resin than would plus they are more durable. i've been thinking about this for a while an just haven't got the guts to try it yet i have a couple other projects going now that i wanna get finished. i just got my resin kit in the mail last week and i'm prob gonna try and make a couple of golden shiner type bait this week. sorry about the length of the post if you try it let me know how it works. i will probably be trying it in a few weeks. anyways hope it helps even though i don't know if it will work or not Jeremy