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Everything posted by benjiwhite

  1. That is a sweet looking lure!
  2. Lowes sells a plastic tool dip that work probably work. I think it is called liquid tape and it is plastic
  3. I received my lures today also. Man you guys are really talented! The next lure swap I'll make something extra special! Thanks again to everyone who participated. Benji White
  4. Will do Gene...Thanks again for lining this up. I will definitely do this again if offered! Benji White
  5. Thanks Gene, I looking forward to seeing other people's work. Benji
  6. nice tutorial..you may want to try going straight through with the wire and instead of creating a "hook hanger" for your first hook in the middle of the lure, add a double barrell swivel through the wire and add your hook to that. I usually cut my hooks in the eye and solder onto the barrell swivel. The hook would rotate 360 degrees and it makes it harder for the fish to throw that hook anyway! Benji
  7. The HF airbrushes I use have never had to be taken apart for cleaning. Course I use enamel or aycrylic paints thinned with acetone and after every use; I always run a bottle of acetone through just to clean it and brush and ream out the nozzle with acetone also. If you do the cleaning as part of the same pattern when you paint (EVERYTIME) you won't have those issues. As far as the costs of the HF AB I use....when the rings wear out I just replace the whole airbrush. You just can't beat the price!!!! Benji
  8. So do we have a total of 10 yet?
  9. I'm looking forward to this! I live in NC and have read on other forums about plugfests in the new england states. I sure wish we had something like that in North Carolina/Virginia area. Benji
  10. Yeah, I have seen this tutorial also. It is pretty much on the money, however you don't need to use a lighter. A hotair gun on its lowest setting for 3 or 4 minutes works well. Benji
  11. I have read about Etex issues others have had and submitted a few replys on different posts before. I haven't until now, ever had a problem with Etex. A few nights ago I was clear coating some 3 oz flutter jigs I had made and painted and a pencil popper I had made. It was very humid and I did the same procedure I always do. Same 50/50 mix, stir time, brush on, use heat gun on lowest setting for 3 or 4 minutesand let spin on lure spinner overnight. The next morning they were a little tacky but since have dried nicely by letting them sit for a few days. I'm sure the humity was the culprit. Benji
  12. Good deal! I turned one last night. I'm going to submit "Red Head" pencil poppers. Benji White
  13. OK...you talked me into it. I think I can swing it. I'll actually have a little time off from work and should be able to make the lures. Just to be sure I read it correctly, I need to make 10 lures of the same kind and mail them to you after you send me a PM with your mailing address? I look forward to seeing the other lures people are making.
  14. Gene, Take me out of the swap. After reading the guidlines a little closer, I see that I'd need to make 10 lures. I thought is was only one. My Bad! Benji White
  15. Count me in,I'm #4. I turn pencil poppers and Pop-R's out of eastern red cedar. Benji White
  16. I have always enjoyed woodworking. I am more of an artistic woodworker and have always been a fisherman. When I purchased my first lathe, it all kind of started there. As I made lures, message boards like these have been my fuel to build a better bait and everyones ideas help. I mean,lets face it....unless you are challenged in some way; with resources like google and youtube etc....Anyone should be able to do this if they are patient enough and want it bad enough! And like I read earlier in a post...it's a special rush catching fish on your own baits! Benji
  17. I have used many different topcoats for lures, including TopSecrets topcoat by dipping. It dried OK, but gravity left drips and hardens. It may have worked better if I would have had a lure turner back then. My best results have come from brushing on Etex and then putting lures on a lure turner. For me it's the easiest and best looking clear coat that is rock hard and clear. Blowing a hot ait gun for the first 2-3 minutes on the lure turner usually gets rid of the bubbles, but I have to let them turn overnight to completely dry so I don't get hardened drips. One other thing to note, I only use eastern red cedar for my turned plugs. I'm not sure if plastic lures would react the same way or not.
  18. Others have said it, but I'll say it again....thin your paint and ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS run thinner through after painting and between colors. I use acetone for my thinner and cleaner, only because I don't use water based paints. Running about a half of jar of acetone after I'm done always leaves it clean and ready for the next time!
  19. Dave, All I can say is you are the man! You sure can come up with some good stuff! I never have been that precise and just brush on ETex and let it cure up on my drying wheel overnight. It is usually evenly distributed and I really haven't noticed any difference in action. I mostly just make top water pencil poppers and haven't had to worry so much about diving lures. Benji
  20. I don't use createx paints, mostly pactra paints from testors and I always have to thin out my paints to get the consistency I need for proper spraying. Some paints require more thinning than others. Whether you use water based or enamels, thinning has to be done. I also run about a half paint bottle of acetone through when done to clean everything up and spray acetone for about 20-30 seconds between colors. Benji
  21. don't know if this helps or not, but these guys have whatever I need. http://www.njtackle.com/plug-building-supplies/plug-building-kits.html
  22. There are so many ways to do this. Sanding sealer, then dip, then paint. I have found what works best for me (and I make all my lures out of eastern red cedar) is after turned and sanded on the lathe, then all holes drilled out; I dip in a white base color by Rustoleum plain flat white 7590. After drying for at least a day, then I air brush and seal with Etex for a topcoat. I don't even use a sanding sealer anymore. Benji
  23. Thanks John for the reply..every little bit helps
  24. Making the props work on screw eyes or wire shouldn't be that hard. Jansnetcraft sells cup washers. Put one cup washer on the end with the hole facing out, then put on your prop, the turn another cup washer with the hole side facing the prop. If this isn't enough to make it work jannsnetcraft also sells disc washers for spacing. I've included a couple of links. Hope this helps. http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/plug-parts/312323.aspx http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/plug-parts/032090400002.aspx
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