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Everything posted by Gram

  1. Gram

    Some new gliders

    Great job hope you catch some big pikes on them Roger
  2. Gram

    New line.jpg

    This is a tail lure and its made of wood and foiled it´s a slow sinking lure.
  3. Gram

    Big Doggy ZigZag

    Thanks ! They are 23cm + tails and they are made of ash and thys are floaters thanks for asking I will us them for trolling for zander
  4. Gram

    Big Doggy ZigZag

    Nice zigzag working:worship:
  5. Gram


    Looking god nice working like it
  6. Gram

    Big Doggy

    Thanks Bob for your kindly comments Roger
  7. Gram

    Big Doggy

    Big Doggy Irrational glider, both side-to-side and updown. Length 23 cm. Weight 140 gram Weighted in 4 spots Fish between 0,5-2 meter
  8. Gram

    Doggy Tail Snake Bronz

    Doggy-Tail Slidin' type, suspending. Side-to-side. You can fish this lure really hard! Lenght 15 cm. Weight 95 gram. Weighted in 3 spots. Fish between 0,5-2 meter
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