Hazmail, Thank you. Your thread on making a lip shaping tool works like magic. My first attempt at this required making a concave Lexan lip for a popper I've designed. It occurred to me that the bottom of a Coke can had the profile I was looking for. I cut one can open and used PVC release agent to coat the bottom. I then inverted another can and coated the base as well. When the release agent had dried I mixed Polyester resin with a very fine filler and then catalysed the mix. I poured some into the one can and carefully filled the concave of the second can. Next morning a light tap was all it took to release the two parts. I now had a male and female mold. I then used a 2" hole saw to cut the Lexan. It worked out great. Now came the cooking. A nice stainless steel container the size of a drinking cup was filled with olive oil to about an inch and it went on the gas stove with the Lexan disc immersed in the oil. Instinct told me that the disc was cooked and then the "Genius" remembered he hadn't made the tool to remove the disc. By the time I fashioned a hook from some welding wire the Lexan had bubbled but it was an experiment so I wasn't too worried. Got the disc into the female mold and quickly plased the male on top. With only finger pressure it took about 30 seconds to form a perfect concave disc. Unbelievable. Smooth, beautiful and amazing. The next one I will ace for sure. Hazmail, YOU"RE THE MAN!!