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Everything posted by MikePaintsBaits

  1. Hey Doc, no problem, all the info I know, it wont yellow, from what Ive read, see below: Flex Coat Ultra V Rod Finish NEW Ultra V Rod Finish In keeping with our tradition of providing rod builders with the latest advances in technology, Flex Coat is proud to introduce our new Ultra V formulation. Ultra V’s unsurpassed UV protection and improved chemical stability results in unequaled clarity and brightness, while maintaining the highest durability and flexibility properties of any finish on the market today. Fishwhittler, will have to chime in on how many baits can be done. The site I went to was (Mud Hole Custom Tackle).
  2. Hey Doc, heres the info fishwhitter gave me. Flex Coat Ultra V high build two part rod finish. You may want to get these epoxy syringes. They will make equal measurement much easier. You have plenty of time to brush it on; it takes about 6 hours to set to touch and 24 hours to fully cure (it will continue to harden for several days though). Any bubbles in the finish can be removed with a heat gun, but don't get the lure to hot! If you do, the paint and/or epoxy will bubble and your paint job will be ruined. I clean my brushes with either lacquer thinner or acetone.
  3. My DN is running low, Id like to use another 1 part clear coat, has anyone been using something close to DN, and are U happy with it? My 2nd thought is using devcon 2 ton, but I guess Ill need to have a drying wheel and/or can I get away with not using one? Thanks Mike
  4. Thanks Everyone, Ill do what I have been, no heating the clearcoat.
  5. Hey Bass, Im using AutoAir & Createx
  6. Ok, here goes. As Im airbrushing my lures, after each coat of paint, I hit it with a hair dryer, wait 15min's and spray my next coat. Can I wait until all my coats are on, then heat set, or do each layer, am I missing anything? Does anyone heat set ClearCoat, Im using DN's Thanks Mike
  7. Ok Guys, I did the xacto & hot wire, worked just fine, Big Thanks ..... Mike
  8. Ive never done this before and/or toss the bait and buy a new one?
  9. Great work, Great looking Bait....
  10. Hey Ben If you mix: Red / Orange / Yellow , you can get the color your looking for, you will have to play around with it......Mike
  11. MikePaintsBaits

    New Paints

    Thanks Guys, feel free to use the color scheme, on any baits. Nothing like sharing on TU
  12. MikePaintsBaits

    New Paints

    ok, im done
  13. MikePaintsBaits

    New Paints

    ok, im done
  14. MikePaintsBaits

    New Paints

    Just messing with colors & some patterns
  15. No more Thanks needed Ben, Keep up the good work......Mike
  16. looking Good, Like the scales........Mike
  17. Really Nice Work & Paint Jobs
  18. I have a Iwata HP-C. Im looking for a 2nd brush, I kept seeing ppl buying this PS 900? I can afford another Iwata. Thoughts Anyone?
  19. Im painting some craw patterns, where can I get some of those (Black) raised eyes? ................Thanks Mike
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