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Fish Candy Bait Company

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Everything posted by Fish Candy Bait Company

  1. Let me add that I tried to make one as an experiment on Wednesday. I was a one of our customers a month ago to pick of some freight and all they do is plastics of all manor. Plexiglass, lexan, etc. SI I asked them in the office what I could use that might take temps up to 350. They looked through their inventory and came up with vinyl. The specs claimed a melting point of 500 degrees. They gave me a couple of samples to try. It was a little tough to cut as I did not have a fine tooth blade for my jigsaw. I wound up using a cutting wheel on my dremel. They suggested to try epoxy to glue it into glass as there was not much that would adhere to it. Perfect because I have some 5 minute epoxy just laying around. So I got it glued in and applied some more after it dried to seal a few weak areas. After it was dry I put it to the test. During the heating as it came up to temp the vinyl failed in a spot near the surface of melting plastic. Now this was not starting from liquid but reheating solid pieces from batches I have poured. End results were that the vinyl completely failed in one spot allowing both colors to flow together and the epoxy turned yellow and brittle. This did provide a way to get the cured epoxy off the pyrex and allow me to continue to use it for one color pours. I believe that the metal is the only alternative at this point and pyrex could make some good money if they were to alter the 2 cup glass mold to have a glass divider in it for us.
  2. I watched a YouTube video recently and he said the best was right seal gasket sealer. It should be at your local auto parts store. I picked up a can this weekend but have not tried it yet.
  3. Making dressed hooks just needs a little practice. It don't have to be perfect. I just started doing these myself too. These are my first two "naked" ones. Just as long as you get the general concept down it should be fine.
  4. I am just starting to do them as well. You may want to look at the Boggs Tacklemaker. I plan on getting one of these real soon. Check out the videos on http://www.tacklemaker.com/video.html . Barlows has them http://www.barlowstackle.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=6&Product_ID=3367&CATID=115
  5. It should be working fine and no prep work is needed other then scraping off a mold seam. You have a small head to dip so there should not be an issue. Sounds like you are heating it up enough. Are you are rotating the bait over the flame? Are you dipping into the paint jar or using a fluid bed? A fluid bed is the better option.
  6. I would just stick with a split cup for doing swirls.
  7. I have not fished them yet. I plan on using as a worm and trying as a swim bait. I think if the tails are rigged flat it will give some good action or vertical as a baitfish. I have not had time to find out what works best for them yet but that is where the fun will be.
  8. Maybe add a drop or two of the watermelon to the motor oil to give it a green tinge. I have a Wintergreen color I developed that is in the color area you posted I think.
  9. I just did my first pour. I call it Motor Oil Bling. It looks like a gold chain soaked in plastic. Being my first effort I may have used a little too much copper but I bet it will shine in shallow or clear water like a strobe.
  10. I would trace the outline on a neswprint sketch pad first. Then I would try to freehand it with the air and paint mix lowered. Being new to painting that may not be the right way to do it but I would try that first.
  11. That is good work on the video and paint. Can we buy these blanks here in the states? Are they wood or plastic?
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