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- Birthday 05/14/1971
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Geezzz I wish that some fisheries scientists would take as much concern as we as fishermen do with some of the questions like "do eyes add something " " do fish see Uv" " does scent actually make fish strike more" "which is more important action or colur" .....I'd infact be happy for a large portion of my taxes go towards such a programme ......lol . You always hear that some of the bait companies invest thousands in testing out what works and doesnt work but i sometimes wonder if the testing is done on what catches us rather than what attracts the fish. Personally I like eyes on baits but not sure if they make a difference when the fish are biting. regards Mick
If you put "Youthinthewild" into google you'll see that someone using that name has asked on other forums for people to donate goods and services before. In the cases I found he took young kids out hunting and you can see pictures of the events. http://www.predatormastersforums.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1613830 So if its the same guy it may not be a scam and he may just have a few problems in his life as he said or that could be just me giving him the benifet of the doubt.
Maybe polish it up with a little buffing wheel on a dremel with some cutting compond ?
Unlike a strip club mens sheds give men in a community that dont have the facilities of a well fitted out workshop, a chance to get together to pass on their knowledge, skills and experiences with others while also doing projects that benifet the community they live in. They also help otherwise disengaged and "forgotten " men to feel a sense of worth. They are playing an important role and filling a gap that exisits in a lot of communities. regards mick
The thing with UV is that it doesnt penertrate water that well, and there are lots of factors that will stop it penetrating. I'm not exactly sure off the top of my head what depths it goes to but water clarity is one that can prevent it from penertrating. Also some days there is more UV present than other days so that would also limit the amount getting down to the depth your fishing. If using a lure with UV properties gives you confidence then I'd keep using them as confidence in a lure is what makes you use it more than others and the more ofetn you flick a lure the more chance you have of getting a fish on it. regards mick
I'm not that great at describing how to do stuff so I'll just post a pic of one of the injection pop molds I make. I use things like old pen shafts and plastisine to make the channels for injection etc and marbles or ball bearings for the locating pins/holes. I lay them in place while the pop is still soft. regards mick
Welcome Percabrutus now your here your doomed to wander the form looking for answers to the ever increasing amount of questions that will enter your mind about the addiction you've started. Luckily though this place has one of the best brains trust when it comes to knowledge about making lures. Just be careful though as it starts with something as simple as making a few lures of one particular style like sp's and before you know it you'll be venturing into hardbodies, then wire lures, then pouring lead, and before you know it you'll be a full blown tackle junky regards mick
The mold is a ccm/doit mold. I dont seal the balsa wood as its totally incapsulated in the frog. I've tried to get an air pocket in the body of the frog but after many attempts and failures I came up with this way. regards mick
I make a floating frog using balsa wood inserts. Heres some pics
Have a look at this it may help http://green-plastics.net/discussion/54-student/140-qaa-can-i-make-bioplastic-fishing-lures regards mick
I saw these clear LC hb's the other day and thought it might be a tip worth passing on to others. http://www.luckycraft.co.jp/charity/lure.php regards mick
After reading a few posts about venting fumes and how everyone is doing it I was wondering if any one is filtering the exhaust fumes when venting them outside? I ask beacasue i've just built a new shed and am in the process of building a system to vent the fumes but have a vegtable garden close to the shed and dont wish to contaminate the veggie patch. I was thinking a cloth flilter made of cotton may be enough, but would appreciate some other opions. regards mick
Making your own molds is fun, but it isnt cheapRTV silicone isnt cheap and pop molds are great but take sometime to master and in comparrison to some open pour molds its cheapr to by molds, unless you enjoy making molds. Any of the guys that sell cnc machined molds will help you out , THEY ARE ALL very helpful guys and all have starter kits. Apart from molds you'll need : HEAt proof saftey gloves , saftey glasses preferably a face shield if your injecting, fan, respirator too remove smoke and smells , microwave or some sytem of heating your plastic, pyrex jugs AND a PLACE THAT IS SAFE TO COOK THE PLASTIC NOT YOUR KITCHEN. The glitter/fleck the colorant molds plastisol can all be brought from one of the guys that make the molds and sells the stuff you need as a kit . I got my first kit from BEars BAits and it was great but all the guys have them and they all offer great service. And yes like toad said its very addictive ...so dont start regards mick
That might have been where i saw them on your site ,though I thought it was bream masters. Nice looking baits . regards mick
Just wondering if anyone has any Do it or any otehr spinnerbait or jighead molds they want to sell. The ones I'm after are Ultra Minnow Spinner Jig - SJU-3-SA Style C Spinner Jig - SJ-C1-S Banana Spinner Jig - SJY-2-Y Banana Spinner Jig - SJY-2-M Round Head Jig - Gamakatsu Hooks - GRC-7-A Ultra Minnow Jig - SHR-5-A But am interested in other molds as well I can pay using PayPal or am willing to trade gift certificate , the shipping would be to Australia. p.m me or email me at tupong@anglingvictoria.com regards mick