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Everything posted by tupong

  1. Can the plastisol ink used in screen printing be used for colouring the plastisol used in baits ? Regards mick
  2. I was thinking of trying something the same but using a small 50-60mm redfin(your yellow perch or perch ?) ,was going to freeze it first, to give me more working time then try and make a mold similar to what taxidermists use ,with a bondo/resin type mix as the casting material ? regards mick
  3. Thanks Bob I've added his site too my favourate list I wasnt sure where to post it and was wondering if it could be moved rather than double posting ? regards mick
  4. Bump If this is the wrong spot for this could a mod move it ,just 65 views and no response,I must have found the only 3 mold makers in th U.S. regards mick
  5. Looking for info on aluminium mold manufacturers have found 3 ,bears dels and basstack from googling ,but was interested in other makers and as i live in Aus and new too the art , makes it a bit hard too find them Wasnt sure where to post this so maybe pm me ? regards mick
  6. Arrived this morning WOOOOOOT Thanks again Bear for the Fantastic service regards mick
  7. I'll work out how the pm's work and send you the postal address then go from there thanks regards mick
  8. G'day mate wondering if you did have any of the gobies left and if you would send them to Australia ,pm if you can (I tried too pm you but am a bit of a noob when it comes to the puter ) regards mick
  9. tupong


    It's all still a bit primitive and can only improve from here regards mick
  10. tupong


    made my first pop mold yesterday made a two part too today, melted some old sp's this arvo and poured ...thanks too all of you and next week I'll get an injection kit from bear wooooot regards mick
  11. Thanks for the offer Madeye check your pm's And I'd like too thank Bears for there help and great service regards mick
  12. Thanks mate you've made my day now I just need too find where the wife has hidden the card regards mick
  13. Hey guys maybe a strange question ,but does anyone know if I can get plastisol sent to Australia ,as I've heard conflicting reports and have been unable to find a supplier in Aus even after a long search I've sent emails to bear baits asking if they can send there kit but am yet to receive a reply ...any help would be gratefully appreciated regards mick
  14. Excellent stuff and very inspiring to see some aussie craftsmanship would love to see more of your cod lures regards mick
  15. G'day all, i've been playing around with making "bio plastic"not cause i'm a hippy just because i cant get plastisol ,its basically cornstarch, vinegar, glycerine and water (the reciepe can b found on the instructable site) ,not really happy with the results, but it may have promise if some 1 a bit smarter than me had a try it might b an anlternative ? regards mick
  16. G'day all we havent got any bans proposed here in australia but trying to source plastisol is very very hard .I'm interested in anything that can subsitute it ,so if there are alternatives i'd b very greatful to hear about them .There is a push to less leadand use more "enviromentally freindly" products but i wonder how much dif it makes if you use a plastic coated tar substitute or lead? regards mick
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