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Everything posted by MEckl8321

  1. MEckl8321

    BTS MOLDS 711 Craw Trailer

    Got these.... SO NEVERMIND.......can be deleted
  2. Check your PMs.... I think I can help you out.......
  3. Unfortunately that is a non starter at the moment..... Find your Stir system FIRST. I have TWO if the original BAITJUNKYS ProStirs. I THINK Leonard may be the only place right now as it appears Bear is shut down due to his illness....And do yourself a service and order the 5 QT Presto online from Walmart. It ain't NECESSARY to have the extra capacity over the regular one but for a few extra bucks, you will be satisfied.
  4. Looking for this one..... Will pay up to BTS retail price if you have one or more of them.
  5. As you may now know......there is a post on his web store. I wish him a full and speedy recovery. I, for one am willing to let him try to get healed and back to work.....
  6. Thanks for the update and post bryanmc.... There is an update on the BTS store site. To all of us; FWIW I actually spoke to Bob on Tuesday morning. Now that this update from his site is public, I feel ok discussing a little if anyone is interested. He told me in essence the same things that are disclosed on his site. From the tones in his voice, I felt he wa being honest. He DID NOT sound well at all...I won't disclose the personal stuff, but he needs support and prayer if you are so inclined.He indicated to me that he was going to have his sons helping out with the catch up and orders from now on. At least for now, I am going to give Bob the benefit of the doubt. Y'all do what YOU feel you must.
  7. Thanks for the update and post .... To all of us; FWIW I actually spoke to Bob on Tuesday morning. Now that this update from his site is public, I feel OK discussing a little if anyone is interested. He told me in essence the same things that are disclosed on his site. From the tones in his voice, I felt he wa being honest. He DID NOT sound well at all...I won't disclose the personal stuff, but he needs support and prayer if you are so inclined. He indicated to me that he was going to have his sons helping out with the catch up and orders from now on. At least for now, I am going to give Bob the benefit of the doubt. Y'all do what YOU feel you must.
  8. One thing I HAVE FOUND, is that temp control is the largest hurdle to overcome with Prestos regardless of the stirring motor. BaitJunkys gave me some guidance and I put together a PID controller for my pair of pots that keeps my plastic within 1-3 degrees of a set temperature for a couple of hours..and more if I need it.That said, I have used BOTH the motors from Bear's AND BaitJunkys... Each had good and bad, but BOTH will stir the plastic. But the so will a STICK! I DID find that with my BEAR'S motor, salt didn't suspend as well as the Baitjunkys....Maybe because of motor speed, I dunno for sure.... the SMALLER blades on Baitjunkys are once in a while a problem when the injector is sitting in the rack. But that is because when reintroducing sprue and runner cutoffs,I think I dump too many and they tend to hang near the injector. takes a while for them to integrate while melting. As a personal favorite, the BaitJunkys suits me fine...
  9. There's a clone for sale on FB....I THINK the seller is a member here, but I don't kno wfor sure....and HIS mold is the one with the Loooong antenae in teh head....Dunno if that is what you are looking for.. Here's teh link; https://www.facebook.com/groups/1486988488215012/permalink/1808407769406414/?sale_post_id=1808407769406414
  10. SOLD!!! 4 cavity 4 inch baits....Price is TYD lower 48 PayPal
  11. 3 Single Cavity Molds and one laminate plate. Not willing to separate at this point. Price is TYD lower 48 PayPal This lot is SOLD!
  12. MEckl8321

    Two BT 3 oz Injectors

    These are NOT a matched set and should not be used with the Twinjector hardware. I have a small blending block from BT that CAN use these units. $80 for the entire lot. 7/31/13 All Items Sold!
  13. My latest adventure was a custom mold design I asked Lakeside to do for me. Workmanship and customer service were top shelf, even after the initial design had to be tweaked.Gonna have another soon, and confidence is high in this company, like mine is with Bear, and Basstackle.
  14. Thanks, guys, but I am SPECIFICALLY asking about the ALUMISOL product. Calhoun's, Bears et al are great products but I was hoping someone could tell me about any experience with IT! I'd like to hear before I pull the trigger and buy some.
  15. Just to follow this thread, has anyone used or had success/failures with Alumisol Brand (from Alumilite Products) Heat Stabilizer? I believe the per ounce cost is quite a bit less than LC, Calhoun's or others I have researched.
  16. Absolutely, Mike, Remember in Jeremiah; 17:14 Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, or you are the one I praise. God Bless.
  17. You should also see a reply for the 3" BT Craw Trailers on the other site as well.
  18. Dave, I agree it may be dangerous to try to make a resin master of the POP mold, but would a release agent sprayed/brushed onto the POP help at all?
  19. You might try Alumilite two part resin. I've had fair success making masters from RTV Molds. Have yet to try it with POP, though. Alumilite white resin
  20. Shameless plug, but why not... http://www.basstackl...stickinject.htm
  21. frank, PayPal is enroute for the Brush Hogs.
  22. My link this one from Home Depot should do the trick. There are even less expensive ones there as well.
  23. CadMan, You have solved it for me too! Don't know why that idea didn't cross my mind.
  24. !t sure is, but takes a little time & patience. Here's something I have been working on; My link and here's a finished bait; jig & screw . A friend tried to modify some jigs that did not have a weed guard. Drilled out a hole with a 1/8" bit and then inserted the spring like you see in the first pic, securing it with epoxy. You can use anything smaller than that 1/8", but I would not go larger. A bit of a PITA, but it did work. Then later I purchased a few screw locks from Do It to try another method and using epoxy or Super Glue Gel works pretty well to secure them in the base pin hole of any Do It mold. Assuming you already have a mold, insert the base pin and pour them while the pin is in place. Once the mold cools, pop the jig out and insert your keeper, gluing it in place. Then paint and dress the jig as desired. If you are gonna modify an existing jig, follow the prior instructions.
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