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Everything posted by QFBT

  1. Hi Sally, I've never tried using spray lacquer on small chironomid pupas like you mentioned, but I would be curious to hear the results of any success or failures you've had mimicking the "appropriate reflection of light" caused by the collection of gas around the pupa prior to ascension and emergence? When fly fishing lakes this is usually a critical aspect to chironomid pupa fly design. Thanks. -Ken
  2. QFBT


    My mistake...there was a regular sized hank listed at $3.30; however, it is only 7" long, which is quite a bit shorter than the bulk version. http://frameofmind.k...&cat=281&page=1
  3. QFBT


    I haven't used any mylar/tinsel before in white, but it is a good idea. At the time I first read your post, I couldn't think of anything off the top of my head, but later while I was searching for something unrelated I came across a Kreinik product (Kreinik Flash In A Tube™) that might work for you? The only issues are that it appears to be narrower (more along the lines of standard Flashabou) and the particular listing I found seems to be for a bulk amount ($21.95). If you don't want it all, I can buy half of it. Anyway, here is the link and the color is about half way down the page (100HL - White High Lustre). Good luck. -Ken http://frameofmind.kreinikmall.com/shops/product.php?productid=17270&cat=281&page=1
  4. Ben, Is this the link you are looking for? I've used this one in the past and it seemed to be working fine when I just pulled it up. However, I believe as a TU member you must still email your order (or via the "Place Secure Order" link on the web page) to get the discount. I hope this helps. Ken http://www.dicknite.com/TU_Lander.htm
  5. Bob and Mark thanks for your insights. I will definitely be experimenting with some of your suggestions for heat/humidity setting in the future especially on the baits that I want to give more than one dip or when I'm in a hurry. I'll be sure to keep you posted. -Ken
  6. Actually, I live in the east bay from San Francisco (Danville) and it has been a little colder than normal the past couple of days (low 70's). I suppose I was most worried about the trolling baits that may be submerged for quite awhile. If nothing else, the ability to accelerate the curing time will be useful at some point in the future when I'm scrambling to get some crazy idea ready for next trip...
  7. I ended up putting the baits in the shower of a small bathroom with a small electric space heater since last night. It's a bit subjective, but I would estimate that the DN seems to be curing a little faster than normal based upon hardness resistance to a fingernail. I doubt it's the most economical drying method, but I doubt that anything regarding custom baits or fly tying is actually saving me any $$. Your responses also got me to thinking and I managed to find some literature that Dick sent along with the clear top coat. Apparently, they do the final drying of their spoons by hanging them "in a 100 deg oven for a couple of hours and after cooling they are able to be dumped in wooden boxes for temporary storage with no adverse effects." I'm not sure how that translates if I leave it in a 100 deg oven for a few days or a week -- will I be able to achieve "full cure" without waiting weeks or months as some others have mentioned in previous posts? I guess the only way to know for sure is to try it eh!
  8. I hope this isn't a dumb question, but has anyone tried artificially raising the humidity in order to accelerate the curing time with baits dipped in DN or other MCU's? I'm going chinook salmon fishing in less than a week and I would like to ensure that the baits that I dipped last night are up to the task. My idea is to hang them to "humidify" in a bathroom/shower while running a humidifier in the room. Does this seem plausible or am I way off base? Thanks for any help and for all the other great info I have received from all of you by following this forum. -Ken
  9. Thanks hazmail for posting the web address for Pelucid. I guess I will give it a try since I never received the Dick Nites I ordered about 6 weeks ago, which is odd since I spoke to Dick directly on the phone to place the order (he seemed very nice). Now with his supplier issues I'm not expecting to receive it anytime soon. Oh well, hopefully the Pelucid will be a close second.
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