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Everything posted by JayBee

  1. That is sick! Are you going to post one finished?
  2. JayBee

    Copper Head Sparkle

    Nicely done, it has a 3D effect.
  3. JayBee

    Copper Head Sparkle

    Very cool effect with the scales, how did you achieve it?
  4. By a more natural look are you saying that it has a matte or flat finish? Or does it have some gloss? Thanks
  5. I'm not sure abiut KBS as I've never used it but I've experienced no issues with glitter and Dick Nites.
  6. JayBee

    2.5 walleye

    Awesome walleye pattern, great effect with the scales
  7. From left to right: Flicker Shad, Dinger baits DCB D7, and a Shad Rap KO that I purchased on ebay, for comparison .
  8. JayBee

    First baits completed

    Those are your first ones? They look a thousand times better than my first.
  9. I like seeing paint like this, beautiful and outside the box, inspiring. Nice work.
  10. Try here:http://www.dingerbaits.com/store/p143/DCB_D7_.html
  11. JayBee


    Awesome, love the snake eye
  12. Dick is sometimes slow in processing orders, if you ordered with the TU discount the price savings is well worth the extra wait IMO.
  13. I've had good success using multiple coats of DN S-81 but I waited a minimum of 24 hours between coats.
  14. JayBee

    Phat Marbled Prop

    That is awesome.
  15. JayBee

    2.5 DD

    Awesome paint! Well done
  16. Hello everyone, my name is Jason Behm and I'm a walleye and muskie guy primarily I am just a painter but have aspirations to one day build my own. The inspiration, tips and advice one kind find here is outstanding and I offer what little advice I can on painting and top coats but take much more than I give. I thank all those that post, you have really shortened the learning curve for us newbies..
  17. Ben, try this link out: http://www.holographiceffects.com/reflective-vinyl.php.
  18. Is this what you were looking for? http://jonestones.com/product_info.php?cPath=4&products_id=34
  19. JayBee

    Mcu Help

    I use Dick Nites MCU. Use this link and you'll recieve a great discount that he offers to TU members: http://www.dicknite.com/TU_Lander.htm. I've had to skim some hardened material off the top of my jar as well with no adverse effects to the finish of my lures but it did seem like the remainder went bad faster than my properly Bloxygened jars. Hope this helps.
  20. I'm with BobP, Dick Nites S81.
  21. A Scotch Brite pad would be the thing you want to use to scuff the existing finish without harming the foil under the factory finish. A light scuffing then as Bob suggested wipe the lure down with denatured alcohol and you're ready to dip.
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