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Everything posted by spoonpluggergino

  1. I wanted to know how thoroughly clean an airbrush, so I contactted Iawata service department and I talked to a gentileman called Kirk. Kirk was very friendly and willing to help any way he could. He said that at the factory they use a sonic cleaner, but he also said that there is a video on u tube made for Iawata on how to clean the brush. Any way I am having difficulty on figuring out how to post the video link. Here are the instruction Kirk give me Go to Google search and type the following words and it will come up Airbrush Cleaning Lybecker I also watched another video how to clean an airbrush using a jewlery sonic cleaner made by Kendal for around 40.00 dollars and that was great, I am defenetely get a sonic cleaner, should be easy the boss of the house would not mind she has lots of jewls to clean Cleaning air brush can be a pain this definetely helps Gino
  2. I purchase my on line I believe it was aroun 24.00 dollars. You may want to stop at Office Depot I saw one there one day, this way you can see it in person Gino
  3. I love your work Mikko. If I lived in Finland I would love to become your apprendist. Thank you for sharing all your work, not often pros like will share their work, wich I do understand especially if its their livelyhood Thank you again, God Bless You Gino
  4. Yes Envirotex Lite and EX-74 (UV) are made by the same company E.T.I. Environmental Technology Inc. EX-74 is their industrial grade epoxy clear among a all bunch other stuff they make, The big difference is that EX-74 is uv resistant and only comes in a gallon size around 174.00 dollars per gallon This winter when I went to the muskie show at Harper college in Illinois I was asking a vendor what clear they were using and EX-74 UV came up, that is what he used to clear their baits Here is ETI website www.eti-usa.com Gino
  5. Here is another litle tool that I made to help me scribe angle line on a plug, seems like I needed a third hand Material you need A: One six inch flexible metal ruler. I use Empire from H.D. B: one #4 X 1/2 wood screw C: A small block of hard wood. Dimension I used 1/2 x 1 x 2-3/4 long To Build Very inportant. Holes on the Block and ruler must be on center otherwise the angles will be off , also make sure the screw is not to sloppy in the ruler A: Drill a small hole at the end of the ruler, Must be on center B: Drill another hole for the screw in the wood block that must be on center C: assemble the block to the ruler with the screw Gino
  6. I make a muskie lure that I call it Reef Scraper the lure looks like the old Bomber bass lures. The size I make they are anywere from 5 to 10 inches. I am pretty sure that the Bomber name most likely is copyrited protected but I dought very much that the style body is protected or at least the larger muskie size. Most copyrite patent they are only good for 20 years, and expensive to get. You have to sell a all bunch of baits before you can make a profit You can make a quick search on the internet if the name comes up weather is copyrited or not , the right thing to do is come up with another name. When I made the Reef Scraper I wanted to call it Reef Digger but someone also has the name, so I decided to call it Reef Scraper Like Bob mentioned if you are infringing on someone else rights I am sure you will get a warning letter from his lawyer, at that point I would stop. making or using the name Gino
  7. When I squared my band saw blade to the table to make sure was square to the table I used a 12 inch combination square, you have to raise the band saw blde guide wheels high enough for the conbination square will fit under the blade wheel guides, it works great. On my band saw I cannot align the fence to the saw blade, my fence is pretty much fixed. On the higher end band saw there is an adjustment for the fence to allow for the angle of the blade You cand do search on the internet how to tune a band saw. There is gazillion ammount of info. The search key words i used are these (How to tune a band saw videos) I cut my lip slot with the band saw and they come out perfect every time Hopefully this helps Gino
  8. EDL You guys have giving me lots of really great info, greatly appreciated. T.U. is a great site. Thank you all Gino
  9. I do not build swimbaits, but you can drill the hole half way in your swimbaits section than you can drill the other half from the other end of the section. I will show you how to setup your drill press so the two holes will meet. The problem with wood the drill bits will walk. you can also modyfi your bit. if you have a dremel tool take the bit flatten the point than with your cut off blade notch a V groove where the point was flattened. Now you can use the modified bit and the V grooves will prevent from walking. Make sure you grind it slow so the bit will not burn Gino
  10. I was having problem with one of my Iwata airbrush paint not coming out. Took it apart checked nozle looked okay, not pugged. Tried different things like blowing back cleaners nothing worked. I started really looking at the tip end, right where the nozle cap screws in, on inside rim next to the nozle there is a small orifice where air comes out. I took a piece of thin wire around .010 of an inch and ran throught that hole, that took care the problem. The way the brush works is that that the air come around next to the nozle creating a ventury the velocity of the air draws the paint out by creating a low pressure on the paint side. So if the air holes are partialy plugged or something floating loose and the air side chamber, velocyti is dimineshed paint will not be drawn out. I was in the navy and the airbrush works on the same principle as a water ventury water eductor. If you go on the internet and do this search AIRBRUSH INTERNAL DIAGRAM you will see the diagram picture very easy to understand, you will see the fluid flow and the air flow. Another note Do Not use acetone to clean your brush I ruined the piston seal and the air nozle seal that cost me 37 dollars to replace it. Now I am using Createx Restore # 5619 works great. Acetone attacks the black neoprene seals, I learned the hard way Hope this helps other airbrush users on this site Gino
  11. I do not know how big your lures are, I build muskie lures . I have a method to install Hard wood dowel pins in my baits with epoxy than put the screws and the tow line screw in the hard wood, this would work for balsa. I use 1/2 dowel pins but on smaller plugs you could easly use 1/4 and 3/8 dowel pins. I have a tutorial how to do it on another site here is the the site www.muskie.outdoorsfirst.com go to the baement baits and custom lure painting. Do a search, the title is, An alternative to wire through construction It used to be on this site, but not showing up any longer Hopefully this will help Gino
  12. Just summited a tutorial on the tutorial page on how to build the Gauge with pix. Very easy to build. I use it to find centers for my holes and to draw parallel lins on my plugs Gino Any question you can PM me
  13. Material I used, all of it was around my basement A: Block hardwood 2" by 4" by 1" thick could be 3/4" B: 3/4" Dowel Pin by 8 inches long C: Short Wood Pencil D: Drill 3/4 Hole 1-1/4" down on center, on the 2" by 4" block. It holds the dowel pin E: On the dowel pin one inch from the end drill 19/64 hole. It will hold the pencil stub nice and tight F: Optional You can drill a hole for a 1/4- 20 tap for a set screw on the side of the block, to snug the dowel pin I used some masking tape on the dowel pin and it works just fine, nice and snug I used two layers of masking tape I use it to find centers for my holes and to draw parallel line on my plugs
  14. I know that large mouth bass love to eat blue gills or any sunfish. So I would build a round oval bait like a drop bellie type of bait. I have made 5 inch drop bellie for muskie, this year I am going to make a 4 inch that really should be good for bass. I make mine out of PVC trim board is fast and they work good Here is a pix of one of my 5 inch Gino
  15. ooops the picture of the stone and bit did not load up. I forget to attach this file, I will give it one more shot Gino
  16. I have been drilling holes in PVC baits and that dulls up the bit pretty fast. I decided to give a try with a stone, using the narrow side, it works good I tested it on a piece of hard wood cuts good again I hold the bit in my right hand between my thumb and index finger I lay the bit on the flat side machined angle and I make sure I am looking at the edge and maintain the angle than give a bunch of easy strokes, than I lay the bit on the the top edge beside the point and do the same again, keep looking at the edge keeping the same angle. Repeat on the other side and you should have a sharp bit again. It is not hard at all the stone fits on the bevel sides easly, just use gentle strokes. There are 4 edges two tops two sides Hopefully this will save some money Gino
  17. No problem Ben. Iam allways confused anyway, it comes with old age
  18. Thanks Ben and Jeff. This site it has really slow lately, Its hard to do anything Gino
  19. I tried to PM Hazmail but PM will not go through. My Question : How the paint is applied to the bait, Iam thinking maybe with an eye dropper, dropping drips of paint on the bait surface Gino
  20. I am a muskie hunter, but 17 years ago I joined Buck Perry spoonpluggers in order to improve my fishing knowledge, I can tell you it made a huge difference. Buck's Quote "Knoledge is The Key to Success" As a spoonplugger I can tell you that in the spoonplugging world COLOR does not matter. Spoonplugger we are allways looking for the darkest water that we can find. If I had two lakes one lake with a 3 feet clear water and the second lake with 1 foot of clear water we would choose the 1 foot clear water lake, even if it was farther to drive to. Color to us would be just an aid, but for all practical reason it would not matter. spoonplugs are trolled or cast and they are allways bouncing off the bottom, fish will find or strike a plug through vibration caused by the plug or vibration caused when a plug hits hard bottom or rocks. Reason for darker water (NOT DURTY WATER) is light penetration is less and fish will most likely migrate to shallower water versus clear water, which they will be much deeper and harder to find. Buck Perry summed up all success in fishing with DEPTH and SPEED all other things just as an aid to a fisherman. Some spoonplugging sites if interested more in fishing knowledge www.spoonplugger.net and Buck's site www.buckperry.com Gino
  21. I second that, The Amistad video I purchased it and it is money well spent very informative Gino
  22. Very nice, I am sure muskie would love to sink their teeth on them
  23. Here is another idea that i have been thinking about that may work for a hunting bait. Think of a boat and trailer if too mutch weight is at the rear of the trailer the trailer will fishtail from left to right my two cents Gino
  24. I do not know if this helps but I know that if you look at the old Bomber or waterdog baits they all hunt. you can find this old baits on e-bay spoonpluggergino
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