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Everything posted by crotalus

  1. I was at the craft store and saw a sample piece of wood coated in the castin craft as a sample and it look like it would be a good lure top coat. Has anyone tried it? http://www.dickblick.com/products/castincraft-clear-polyester-casting-resin/ Here is a link of the product. thanks eric
  2. I've made a couple of punkers, my wood of choice = Red mahogany. I got some for free, scrapped from my girl friends old bed frame. Its just right, light weight but hard. Weight them so that they float a little less than half way out of the water, nice and flat/level. Mine walk way better that the real injection molded ones from black dog. I use screw eyes with 2 ton on the threads, then again I haven't caught any teeners with them either.
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