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Everything posted by ksredneck

  1. I bought a quantum e100 spta and it has three brakes. Which order should I set them?
  2. I'm thinking about buying a Quantum accurist for the reel now I have to decide on the rod!
  3. I'm gonna buy a new rod and reel for flipping and pitching. I was wondering if someone could reccomend a good combo?
  4. thanks I'm gonna start buying some crankbaits are their any models that really stand out?
  5. I apprecriate all the advise you've given. Also I'm asking this in advance for this spring/summer I'm not big on fishing when its cold.
  6. spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, jigs, and texas rigged worms are my go to confidence lures. But like I said I'm just trying to be alittle more versatile. can a crankbait scare off a bass? Sorry for asking in my replies I should've put them all in my original post
  7. thanks!! What about the wobble should it be tight or wide. I'm trying to mimick perch and bluegill
  8. I've never really used crainkbaits much for the fact I think you need different ones for different depth and the fact where I fish theres alot of structure for the treble hooks to snag on. But I'm on a mission to be versatile so can someone give some good tips on choosing colors for muddy water? I'm thinking a good perch color would be a killer
  9. Has anyone been to everharts in clinton mo? I buy alot of my fishing and hunting supplies from there!
  10. ksredneck

    Buzz Bait?

    I was wondering if you could catch bass on a buzz bait that doesn't have a skirt? Also I know the traditional way to fish a bizzbait is to slowly bring it across the surface but I've had better luck bringing it at a moderate speed. Am I hurting my bite ratio?
  11. Hi i'm a beginner at best at making lures and tools are limited. So what could be a easy lure to make? Would a popper be pretty easy? My tools are a drill, some drill bits, sand paper, belt/disk sander. wire hooks, and alot of pliers and patience. The patience might be exagerated.
  12. I mainly fish farm ponds and I'm a largemouth bass fisherman so I usually take atleast two, a micro light, and a baitcaster, then sometimes if I know the catfish is biting i'll take along my 7ft spincasting rod and reel.
  13. how are you suppose to work a jerk bait? Is their a specific rhytm or is it random?
  14. is their anyplace that I can order or buy spinnerbaits and buzzbaits that are without the blades and skirt?
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