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  1. Hi, I just wanted to introduce my self. My name is J.D. and I do Rod and Reel Repair and cleaning in Lubbock, Texas. I average a one week or less turn around time unless I have to order parts. I charge $15.00 for a complete deep cleaning on most reels. I am also willing to ship back and forth for those long distance fisherman. I accept cash, check and PayPal. Feel free to Email or Call me!!! Reel Easy Repair J.D. Shultz shultze@suddenlink.net (806)252-3938
  2. Hi everybody.... My name is J.D. Shultz I live in Lubbock TX and own Reel Easy Repair. I clean and repair all freshwater rod and reels. I have been starting a new venture, custom handmade jigs and crank baits. I love all the info that you all are willing to share and I hope I can contribute some good info as well. Thanks for being an awesome site!!!
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