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Everything posted by fishnart

  1. I'm gonna have to try this, a lot of my baits are turning pink...pisses me off
  2. Yeah Bob P, I don't use it any more. That's what I used to use, now its the alcohol...thanks for your input
  3. Hey fellas, I think this has been discussed but I couldn't find anything when I did a search. Does anyone know what causes a bait to turn a pinkish color after a while? I personally think it might be the lacquer thinner I ve used to thin epoxy with as it I think I've seen this to be a pink color sometimes???
  4. thank you again everyone. Joe the plumber, I use pearl powders and pearl paints, using different colors. I've started mixing them a little to achieve different colors but mostly just mix them on the surface as I paint I hope this helps, any other questions let me know. Braided line, this is a swimbait from Mattlures, awesome bait. I put a lot of time into painting that thing. I hope this is what you're looking for
  5. fishnart

    20150430 081709 resized

    Hey guys, no its not a repaint. Its a swimbait from Mattlures. I'd do it a little different next time. Thanks for the compliments, I really appreciate it
  6. Disregard I got it open, maybe just a glitch...
  7. ok, how do you open your messages to read them. For some reason I've always had problems reading them and it says I have a new one. I open my messages and click on it but it won't open. This has always been frustrating to me
  8. That's interesting Richard, do you dip your brush in the alcohol each time you load your brush. No wait, you mean the first time to get rid of bubbles after you've mixed it?? I use a heat gun, but sometimes I still get bubbles. I wonder if your way's better??? Always looking to improve where I can
  9. I didn't realize it was a common issue, so I really didn't think to do a search on it. OK, that's all I wanted to know, I was just curious, thanks a ton
  10. I have found that doing rattle trap type baits that they seem harder to epoxy. It seems I get more bubble in those type baits and unless you put it on pretty thick, it cures thin around the sharper edges of the top of the bait. Is this me or has anyone else noticed that? Just curious.
  11. You guys are talking about cleaning brushes etc, After each mix I scrape the epoxy out of the mixing cups and clean them with LThinner and clean my brush. Its a pain when you re doing many baits as sometimes I have ten or more baits to do. And I really stress getting the exact amount of each part of the epoxy, the whole process is stressful for me hahahaha, and then there's the worrying that they're not going to turn out or cure. That's what happened this time, hens the reason for this post. Out of about 20 baits that I did in one session, 10 didn't cure properly. And I've never had that happen before, and I don't think I had done anything different that I could tell. That's why I was so puzzled. And actually, I've done two or three of those over several times, sanding and stripping them each time. A guy sent me these specific baits to do so I had to keep refinishing them. That's why I was wondering if it was something with the epoxy, except for the baits that did cure?? I've never had that many in a batch not cure. Let me add this...the epoxy I was using wasn't Devcon, it was epoxy that I'd gotten from a Hobby store and Hobby Lobby, I'm sure its the same stuff without Devcons name on it??? Does anyone have any thoughts on that?
  12. Thanks Ben, I hope this is the case. I tell ya, out of the past 20 baits I've done 10 didn't cure all the way. While typically I get one on a rare occasion, it's never been this bad. I also noticed that out of these two sets of epoxy, I can only get one bait done comfortably and had to rush the second because I could feel the epoxy starting to cure. When in the past I could squeak out three and on a good day four. I'm wondering if I'm mixing it too long, cause in the past I thought maybe I hadn't mixed it enough. I love the end result of epoxy but ugh, it stresses me out hahahaha. Especially when its a clients bait that he only has one of, trying to fix this is hard to do sometimes you know...
  13. Holy crap, maybe that's it, the alcohol. Riverotter, I've been using alcohol to thin because I thought that maybe the lacquer thinner might have been whats turning my baits the pink color after a while. Maybe I've been putting too much alcohol in my mix??? Anyone else experience this? Thanks to all that have posted to help me out with my delima
  14. After six pages I hope ya'll see this. It seems from what I've read is that most are liking this stuff?? Wheres the best place to get it, do you have to mix anything in it and are there any health issues? Thanks
  15. I'll be brushing it on, sure to be safer???
  16. omg, that's crazy. Mine just dropped on the basement floor and had a bunch of debris all over it...ugh
  17. Also good ideas and yes...I've dropped baits before ugh lollol
  18. All of this does help, thank all of you sooooo much...seriously. I went down today and it seems as though the baits that hadn't cured, had actually cured a little more. So this leads me to believe that the temp had more to do with it than I thought, just took longer for them to cure. So, for the next batch they'll get a little heat and we'll see how that works. Still not sure about that one bottle of epoxy though, it seemed harder to squeeze out than normal 30 min stuff, and doing what I normally do and getting a few baits done, I would only get one. I think something was up with that bottle. I noticed right away that it was harder to get out, it was that noticeable. Again thank you guys so much! Your time to respond is so appreciated
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