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Everything posted by fishnart

  1. Is it possible to use devcon 2 to seal reels/
  2. fishnart

    Gizzard Shad

    These are some nice looking baits, this might be a stupic question but are they painted?
  3. Hummm I think it depends on what you want to accomplish and how much you want to put into it. One can paint basic bait patterns but I think to be really really good you have to have some kind of artist ability and eye. All is not lost though, I think some of this can be learned through practice and maybe some art classes. I can't do alot of things but thankfully God has blessed me with a little bit of artistic ability. I'm able to look at something, for example baitfish, and see all the suttle colors that make up the colors of that baitfish. You kinda have to be able to see through colors to see details and the colors that make up the colors. Some colors are two or three different colors that make up one color. You should also experiment, and learn through this wonderful site all of the available techniques there are out there to use. I use many different mediums, techniques and tools on one bait. This is all helpful...but most of all desire and practice. Hope this makes sense and is helpful.
  4. fishnart

    my first mold

    These things look great, I'd love to try some...is there any way possible?
  5. Yeah, you know what, those are good points! I appreciate your thoughts and will change how I do things. Thanks
  6. I started painting baits as a hobby and now sell a few. Only by word of mouth and FB. I stay busy enough but not a ton. I sell a few at shows in the off season. Consequently I don't keep a huge supply of blanks on hand. Started doing that in the beginning and ended up not selling a lot of certain baits. Have learned what sell and what doesn't. So now what I do is if the customer is looking for baits that I don't have I suggest that they go to the websites of my blank co's and pick what they want and then they can order it and send it to me or I can order it for them. What this also does is support the blank co, instead of me ordering a couple crankbaits, the client will hopefully go on there and see other baits he wants and maybe purchases more than he originally wanted, I do, it's addicting lol. There have been only couple of times where once I mention that they don't call back. Not sure if they are offended for some reason, don't have time or what ever. But they have seemed to be very interested prior to me mentioning that. Plus its cheaper, if I order it I should add into the price of the blank, shipping, my time and anything else. They order it and they pay for the bait and shipping. So my question is do you guys think this is asking too much? Do you see any problem with this that I'm not seeing? It could be just coinsidence
  7. fishnart

    Fighting Craw!

    Dude OMG, thats wonderful! I've been waiting for someone to do something like this. You should vedio tape it in a tank or something. So do you sell these?
  8. fishnart


    I think that looks awesome!
  9. Just my two cents worth, I haven't read all of the posts above but here goes...be very very careful if you're gonna do this full time as your only income, not sure if thats your plan or not. Quality and customer service in my opinion, go hand in hand. You can have the best product but give crummy service and people won't use you, Honesty is absolutley the best policy. I only do it part time as a hobby but have a great customer base thats growing every day. No websight only because I'm affraid I'll get more work than I can handle and my service will go down. I stay busy ( I also do repro fish) and I'm honest and let my customers know that I'm busy and it might take a while to get them thier baits. I only use word of mouth and facebook and have as much as I can handle....hope this at least helps a little.
  10. Thanks for that info nedyarb, will be ordering one!
  11. Thats not bad $10, I'll have to check that out....thanks.
  12. Am I correct in the fact that this is measured with even amounts of the two parts? I don't have scales and do it by sight, which works 99% of the time. Once in a while I mix a batch that doesn't cure entirely. In reading the post about the new stuff (ACC I believe) I think it mentioned some measure it a little different?? Am I doing it wrong?
  13. I love it, would love to get my hand on one unpainted. You by chance make'em smaller and sell blanks?
  14. Ok I don't have a turner, with Devcon I just hang em and fiip them and typically have no problem. How do you think this will work with this stuff. IM TOTALLY EXCITED ABOUT NO BUBBLES! Please tell me something good
  15. fishnart

    ultralite lures

    very nice, love the combinations
  16. fishnart

    close up

    that is cool as all get out i'd like to see the one in the background ??
  17. fishnart


    bluetickhound, just get the ref material and study it, thats what I do. You're funny though lol
  18. fishnart


    wow thanks guys, you all make me feel good. Bluetickhound that is just dang funny, of course you will just get lots of pictures and start practicing
  19. fishnart


    wow, it is. I do a lot of paintbrush work along with airbrush. Very tedious.
  20. fishnart


    Thanks guys! Yeah gekhang it is...
  21. fishnart


    school of bluegill
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