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Everything posted by Basscandy92040

  1. On the link for the second swimbait, how do you get that insert out? It seems like it would tear the tail? Thanks
  2. I agree. Saw some info on here about teflon inserts when power painting....huge time saver vs hoging out hole with 1/8 drill bit after baking and chipping the outside edge of hole..... Welcome aboard. Cliff
  3. I have a top pour mold from LC in that pattern....I like it...
  4. Stirring too much? What type of plastic?
  5. I started with borrowed pouring pot and molds. I caught on quick and now I have my stuff in three shops here in San Diego......Still working on the website thing Bob Yuma bassman....Its been three years.....and what a mess my garage is...haha.....There are lots of good people on here willing to help and give their opinion... Cliff
  6. Basscandy92040

    Laminate bags?

    Did you try Lurecraft? I just got a fresh box of 1000....How many were you wanting?
  7. Pancho, Again my brother wow... Crazy how you can make all the sizes have same general shape fins mouth etc...Hope you and the family had a great Thanksgiving...
  8. Anyone else having problems with Delws forum page?
  9. I get mine from Aeromarineproducts. Based out of San Diego..they dont jack you on the shipping costs. Flate rate boxes...
  10. Frank, Its been awhile for me but you are putting out some really cool stuff. Hope all is well with the wife brother...
  11. 2 cups Plastisol 15 Drops LC Watermelon 2 drops black and 3 tlbs of popcorn salt (straight for box) for my sticks and it looks good.... .035 Black 1/4 tsp .015 Black 1/4 tsp .008 Red 1/4 tsp I havent made the above without salt, so it might be too green with out it.
  12. All, I posted on this topic a while ago with the whole bubble issue thing. I am just about finished with my 10 gals of soft and hard pourasol. I went to order some more and noticed that they now have medium/soft and hard/medium....I ordered the medium/soft and will try it out... I did receive a telephone call minutes after my online order from the nice gal that answers the phone there...Cant remember her name....Anyway, I mentioned to her about the bubble issue most of us had in hte beggining of this thread...She told me that they(Lureworks) had a "bad" batch of plastisol, so I dont know if we all fell victim to that or not.. I will let you know if the bubble thing is still going on.. Cliff
  13. I use brown and a touch of white for mine....I have it written down at home......
  14. I thought we needed 1.21 Gigawatts that....lol
  15. LC has a mold that looks just like that....
  16. Glad you liked the soft stuff Jim.....I have been using my 5 gals of soft and hard. I have used up my first 2.5 gal of hard last night. Again I have been mixing the hard with the soft at a ratio of 1 cup hard to 1/4 soft (thereabouts) for my saltwater swimbaits. I have stocked a few hundred at a local store.....I am pleased with the product.... As far as the soft goes, do you think it is too soft???? It seemed softer than LC 536 and with my bigger worms, I think it might tear easy..Your thoughts? I have not tried it with sticks yet...I did see that someone used the soft for sticks with salt and no complaints...I have been using heat stab from LC when doing my clear saltwater stuff with glitter...The bubble do rise in time enough in my Lee pot not to end up in the pour.... the hard does have more of a bubble issue for sure....I dont know if anything has been done to help with the problem... For the guys that pour from pans or pyrex the bubble issue will cause problems for them for sure... IMO... Cliff
  17. I use Lee pots but that mold takes a lot of plastics I have it also....So I dont think even the large Lee pot would work that great...
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