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Everything posted by Basscandy92040

  1. More of my first time with injector stuff...Rainbow trout for the So Cal people....
  2. My first laminates and injector stuff Baby Bass
  3. Basscandy92040

    Head Shot

    Very pro looking baits Frank!!!
  4. Been using their products for over two years, use both the 536 (Super soft) and the 500 (Extra strength)... I have had no problems....I do notice that the hard stuff needs to be hotter than the soft to pour right from my Lee pot....
  5. I check the SPIKE prices....It is the least expensive Ive found...I shot them an email for shipping to CA and it is even 6 bux less than LC...So looks like aroudn 135 shipped for 5 gals....beats 166.50 i just paid... I am going to try the hard.... I hope it mixes with the LC 536...
  6. Vodkaman and SHK, Thanks to you both for your help....I did use a IR therm to check the temps....I will try to maintain the pressure longer and see what happens....Thanks again...
  7. Ok, so I tried my first go round at injecting with a blending block and twin injectors from Bass Tackle...I did just straight OLD plastic no salt to get the feel....Pushed too fast and got air pockets and then just right and they were ok... So, I did my salt (floured? put it a blender to make it finer) I used LC 536 8 oz and 1.5 tbs of salt...no softner...and went for it..My version of baby bass...I went red highlight and white pearl.... Problem...on a few of the molds, the middle two shot only half way and the end ones did fine...Push to fast? or slow? or what? Thanks for any tips. Cliff
  8. Rick, I saw that new product on LC's website. I have not tried it. Do you any stablizer with it? Seem like I am good for about an hour with what I am using and sometimes my clear will start to get a hint of yellow when I am pouring my clear bodied baits...I know its because of the heat factor and time...I also pour a lot of worms so thats why I have a 5 gal of 536...I wonder how close my 80% 500 and 20% 536 is to LC's 548? Thanks, Cliff
  9. SPIKE plastic? Where do I find it? Thanks Cliff
  10. I have only used LC plastics, both the hard and super soft....5 gal for 166.50 shipped...to Cali...last year this time it was 100 plus shipping...now its 120 just for the plastic....Cant seem to find a cheaper price for 5 gals....
  11. Prestone yellow spray can Silcone spray, got it at walmart....Not necessary but it helps out.....I guess its a type of mold release...again I only use on my swimbaits....
  12. How long are you letting them cool??? If you pull them too soon they will be tacky....
  13. For my saltwater swimbaits, I use a mix of hard and soft...Like 80/20 mix...good action and strong baits...I use LC plastics.... Cliff
  14. Couldnt open pics up...they look good...
  15. I pour a lot of 3, 4 and 5 inch swimbaits, and in the beginning yes sometime get the line/cold crack....I have actually put my rtv molds in the mic for a minute to warm them up bit... like maybe 100 degs....I also use silicone spray in them to enhance the sheen.....
  16. Do you still any of the 5.25 molds left??? Thanks, Cliff
  17. I have only used LC...both the 536 and 500....I have no complaints...I do want to get some stablizer when I do my saltwater swimbaits.....I have to be real carefull not scorch it...and my clear turn yellow...
  18. Nice tubes!!! I have the basstackle dual set up with the block....I havent mastered it yet...I hear some people say to preheat the injectors and some not...I put my two pyrex cup right next to each other... There is a video of a guy somewhere on here using a electric griddle to help heat his injectors and keep his plastics warm....its on youtube also..
  19. I used one and the plastic ate it up and wife got mad....lol
  20. I too have had the problem....I think to much heat is the problem. I was using 20 LC purple and I had to up to 40 and watch the heat in my Lee pot....
  21. Basscandy92040


    My new color....
  22. Basscandy92040


    My new color....
  23. Sorry I just re read your post...502 LC plastic...That is the hard stuff. I use that for pouring my saltwater smb....That stuff needs to be hot and I mean hot. For me its a fine line with the heat getting it to pour from my Lee pots and being too hot...Try 536 LC will be much better I think...
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