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Everything posted by irishbass

  1. The 5/0 32724 works great for both the 1/4 and 3/8 oz.
  2. It's a good multi-purpose jig. Swims well. Good pitched in weeds and wood. Very good hookup %. I've settled on the 3/0 for the 1/4 oz. and 4/0 for the 3/8. The 1/2, 5/8 and 3/4 make nice grass jigs. The hook can straighten with braid though. If you are using them for swimming, try using the 32724. They swim upright 100% of the time with this hook and its easier to thread your trailer on straight.
  3. Two 5 inch and two 4 inch cavities. Makes great baits! Paypal only please.
  4. Lightly used. Paypal only please.
  5. MOLD IS SOLDI dont see this mold on the Basstackle website anymore. It looks just like the Slickshad, but has the brass insert to make a hollow-bellied bait. It can also be shot with a solid body (no hookslot though). This is a single cavity mold. Paypal only please. MOLD IS SOLD.. Thanks Tackleunderground!
  6. MOLD IS SOLD Lightly used. Paypal only please. Thanks.
  7. Lightly used. Paypal only. Thanks. MOLD IS SOLD. Thanks Tackleunderground!
  8. Lightly used. Paypal only. Thanks. MOLD IS SOLD. Thanks Tackleunderground!
  9. Lightly used for personal use. Paypal only. Thanks.MOLDS ARE SOLD. Thanks Tackleunderground!
  10. Sorry--- both of MY Bear's tube molds work perfectly.
  11. Both of Bear's tube molds work perfectly as well.
  12. Thanks for the tutorial, Longhorn. I've made quite a few POP molds (one and two-sided) this winter using Senkosams tutorial with pretty good success. It does look like your one-sided technique would provide better bait depth than the push-down method I've been using. When using a full-round master, doesn"t the POP flow down and around it, though... thus making removal of the master and subsequent copies difficult? Or do you shave down the edges to open up the cavity? Thanks again for taking the time to make and post your tutorial (and a belated thanks to senkosam as well!). P.S. I've been using Elmers wood glue for sealing as described in previous posts. Seals with a single application.
  13. Sounds like a recurring theme. I better get the cd. The injected molds look like pretty slick, but I wanted to see how dipping went first. I just need a couple hundred a year for personal use, so if I could turn out some decent tubes on the cheap, that would be great. Then I could use the money I save to buy another LT (70MHXF) or Curado or something else I really don't need. Thanks for the advice, everyone.
  14. Thanks for all the replies, guys. Looks like I'll have to get some more plastic and then incorporate your suggestions. Bojon, if it's not too much of a bother, I think I'll take you up on your offer. I'm trying to figure out how to horizontal-dip using a microwave. A pyrex dish maybe? I bought some aluminum rod and bent it at a 90 degrees. Seems like that should work. I don't know about temp control with the microwave method, though. Seems like there'd be an awful lot of reheating involved. Usually when I pour, I just work with 2-4 oz. batches.
  15. Thanks, Z. I'll try cooler plastic on my next attempt. I was hoping the medium was going to work. I don't have any hardener on hand. I was experimenting without salt. Maybe when I add that, it will help with the consisteny.
  16. What mold is that from? Thanks.
  17. I looked on Bob's site and saw several swimbaits, but none describes as a Baby E. Which one is it? Thanks.
  18. Tried dipping tubes this morning for the first time. Used a quarter inch steel rod and that seemed to work pretty well. However. I'm having trouble building up enough wall thickness. I'm shooting for a flipping-type tube (Mizmo etc:). I was using a medium plastic heated to the same consistency I use for pouring open molds. I dipped each tube several times and still could not get the thick wall I'm looking for... is my plastic too soft? too hot? Thanks in advance for any help!
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