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Everything posted by StrykerLures

  1. Is there any kind of carpet you can pick up at some store (like Lowes) and cut it to fit?
  2. Hello everyone. How do you all Carve out your Uniform Wood blanks? I've had success at it on certain ways of grinding it away with a carbide tipped drum grinder, problem is it can take hours to get it perfectly uniform. Especially because its hard wood. Have any of you guys found a better way to have a little "Mass Producing" method to get a few Lure blanks to look exactly the same way? Thanks a lot everyone
  3. You would probably be better off using that SS on a project for your vehicle, Alu is the way to go, You could probably sell it for a bit to some machine shop though, I would weld it into a Bed-liner for my truck. But I'm not lucky enough to get it for free
  4. Hey there everyone. I was wondering how you all Spray Clear Coat, I got some DN Clear (And some other clears I've wanted to try spraying) and I've been hearing about people Spraying it but I don't know what there using to spray it with, Let alone how to Clean Fast Drying clear coat out of an Air gun or Air Brush. How can you get every bit of the clear out when your done? What do you all Spray it with? Any help would be great. Thanks a lot guys.
  5. Does burning the wood with the scale mesh really make little scale impressions? that's a pretty good idea, I'm going to try that on my next one. Thanks a lot
  6. I have this feeling that I'm stating the obvious. But Make sure you wear a Air Purifying mask when you cut it, breathing in tiny lead particles is something I know I don't wanna mess with Also, Does anyone know if the Lead weights off of a Castnet is PURE lead or is It mixed in with other metals That usually aren't put into molding leads?
  7. If anyone has made a Wire Bender can you upload a Picture? Even if it's just 2 nails.
  8. Did you guys come up with any good ways to make a Bandsaw or a Wire Bender? I've been lookin to buy one but I figured I would see If you guys had any better Ideas? Let me know, Thanks a lot guy
  9. Hey guys, I had a question for anything who has an opinion. What kind of "Filler" do you use to put over your whole wooden lure (then sand it down) to make it 100% smooth for paint? I used some wood filler on the whole Lure for a while and then would sand it down when it dried. Now I'm using Dry-wall filler before the paint which works well. What are you guys using as the filler? Any opinions would be great guys. Thanks a lot.
  10. Yeah I've always figured that if you have something thats not under copyright and some big company wants it, They'll take it. Its horrible that they're willing to do that
  11. I'm using Createx Paint for my Lures, I have a new "Master S622-L Professional Twin Pack Studio Airbrush Set". Last time I used them one of them was Clogged from a Piece of Dried Paint I apparently didn't get out even though I cleaned it thoroughly so I cleaned it for 2 hours, used half a bottle of that Airbrush cleaner and a Gallon of water and washed it sooooo many times and I still couldn't get the tiny dried piece out, I have it soaking in water for a little bit before Hook up my Air Compressor and try blowing it out. But I need to have something to clean out paint better so this wouldn't happen in the first place
  12. I'm wondering if any of your guys have found any household products like Soap or something That's similar to the "Airbrush Cleaner" you can buy? I got a bottle of it that I got with my paint and have airbrushed with it for like 5 times and its almost gone and I don't wanna keep spending all that money on just cleaner. Any Ideas of what else I can use? Thanks a lot guys.
  13. StrykerLures

    Pimp my Jerk!!

    That's seriously wicked. Did you catch any one it? And where can I buy one? SERIOUSLY! I WANT IT! Awesome Job, Great Paintin' Skills Norpan
  14. That's one of the most amazing paint jobs that I've ever seen on a Lure, That's somethin' I'd expect to see on some dudes Harley or Someones Rat Rod. Serious Artistry skills Norpan. Bravo
  15. Hello, I'm looking for a Decent Boat Motor (5HP+) for my Boat, but I can't find one anywhere. If anyone is looking to sell (or trade) one. please e-mail me at StrykerLures@yahoo.com. Thanks a lot guys. Sorry if Its against the rules to ask for something, I didn't see anything that said It wasn't aloud. Thanks guys http://quincy.craigs...1682566249.html <------ Go there to see what I have to Trade. Thanks!
  16. What about using Construction paper? Some Brands of those are pretty tough. If someone does use construction paper for the Stencil, let me know how it turns out!
  17. Take some kind of Clear Plastic (like on packaging you will get when you buy something). Draw the shape of the Stripe you want then use a Strait edge razor (I bought a 100 pack of cobalt) and go very slowly around it. you can make a pretty good stencil if you take your time, also make a second stencil and put masking tape over it and then cut small stripes or any shape you want, then you can go over it again and give it some depth with different shapes. Hope this helped
  18. If you put Epoxy (or something similar) on the Plano Spacer for the lip, it will make it significantly Stronger. But you have to use the right type of Epoxy. But that will keep it from getting beat up on Gravel/Rocks. it works for me But test it for yourself. Don't quote me on saying "I Guarentee!" Like a car dealer! hah
  19. PhilB where do you buy your Polyurethane adhesive?
  20. Does anyone know if you can use Plaster of Paris as a Lead mold? or will it break or catch on fire when the lead hits it? hah. What do you guys use as a lead mold? (besides buying the metal molds) Thanks a lot. - Bryan
  21. That's a Great idea Nova. I've just started testing using a Netting bag that you buy onions in it works pretty well
  22. I use Alligator Clips, I Pull the netting tight on 1 end, Clip it, Then move to the next, Clip it. ect- I take 4 or 5 (how ever many I need to space them 3/4" apart). Then I fix any loose netting. But Alligator clips seem to work well.
  23. I have almost the same problem, I don't know what size the needle is, I think someone bought it from the store. took the good needle and replaced it with a bad one, but I bought a 2nd of the SAME airbrush which works perfectly. When I try the bad one all that happens is it starts bubbling up in the cup. Any ideas why? Air blows through it but Water and Createx won't
  24. StrykerLures

    saltwater flounder

    That is a truly amazing and awesome lure. I'm am Extremely envious of your craftmanship skills. how in the world did you do that so perfectly? and if you are selling that, how much would you sell it for? Great job! =) that would get an A++++++++++++++++++++ From Me!
  25. I was wondering If anyone can give me some good hints and tips on getting a perfect clear coat? When I clear coat it drips, but I wipe it off. but there always seems to be somewhere that didn't get coated or where it built up. Also Bubbles, When I mix it, it always get to get some bubbles, how can I mix it without bubbles? or how do I get the bubbles to pop after I've already put it on (but its not dry)? Any tips would be EXTREMELY Appreciated. I've almost had a perfect coat once or twice. but theres always something that messes it up, I heard if you take a blow torch to it for a split second to pop the bubble. how do you guys do it? Thanks a lot guys. - Bryan
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