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Everything posted by toadfrog

  1. OK ya'll somewhere out there is a mold. That shoots grasshopper legs only . I've been searching the forum archives , web and bout any place I think may be related . So far it's a bust . Time to ask the guru's of goo . Where in the hell do I look now ?!!!!!
  2. Never had a taper I can remember in my pull rods . Leave it to JSC to jog my memory . Forgot about the soap . Liquid letchien is cheap and works well . If i'm not mistaken Pam has letchien in it .
  3. toadfrog

    Jig Bags

    If you sell jigs on a card . Sell them by the card . Because those pull cards are a crock . They will have jigs an torn cards all over a store . I used to put 4 jigs in a bag with a fold over card . I adjusted for size and weight in order to keep the cards the same size using less area and making it possible to stock more in a given area .
  4. I think it could be a useful addition . For reasons I won't go into . LOL
  5. Lord I don't know bout that . Your going to spend a lot of time . How big a tube are you talking . For something like that I'd use silicone . Each to his own I guess . Your going to need rods for a start . Might be able to use dowels if you soak them in a sealer then epoxy dip them five or six times So the plastic won't stick . I'd sure a heck look at dipping first .
  6. No problem . You can glue a piece of felt or that spongy shelf liner on the bottom of whatever comes in contact with the table . Helps a bunch to prevent slipping and damage to surfaces . What ever you use to mount the bender to needs to be wide enough for a couple of C clamps and leave plenty of elbow room to work . Voice of experience here . Scared up an antique table once . Was three days before I saw that woman again . Finally the swelling in my eyes went down .
  7. Please don't mention a clean air brush . I loaned mine anybody want pics . Naw better not . I'd hate to see the kid hunted down like a chicken eating fox . LOL Don't loan your brush . Unless your into pain ,agony and despair . Shortly followed by what very nearly resembles Turrets Syndrome .
  8. The hoop can be put in a vise allowing more versatility with your hands . I.e. switching sides of the bait . Then holding the bait up to apply the back color with the second brush .
  9. Used to cut my own collars . Went to a surgical supply and got latex tubing on a roll . There are latex O rings as well hard to find . Good stuff will last some dry and break in a year . Actually best to just hand tie ,coat the thread or wire . Some wires tarnish after getting wet . Looks pretty icky on a white skirt .
  10. Don't think you hurt the rod any unless you took off a lot in the sanding process . A coat of epoxy should put back any loss and add strength . Try not to bend the rods sharply until you've done the coating . If a splinter starts that can turn ugly quick . Hiding things from women is almost impossible . They smell the fear . !!!!
  11. Bet it's kinda like them dead shad on the river bank I'm always stepping on . ARGGG!!!! Ain't that a grody thought .
  12. I know you can still buy the goop . Thing of it is, the stuff is even higher than Gel-a-Lure by Spike- It.
  13. LOL thinking creepy is a good thing .
  14. One are you shaking the jug . If so stop . Roll the jug over and over to mix any settlement .vigorously shaking a jug will help to mix air in the plastic . Hence bubbles . I normally don't have bubble issues from almost anybodies plastic . But if I do I put a vac on it to reduce the air concentration . You can find out how to build a vac on YouTube or Bait Junky's will sell you one . I 'm not promoting any product Just trying to educate . Its is the user at the end product that needs to degas the plastic because that is where the most control over the product is obtained . Hope this helps ease the problem .
  15. Don't recommend it . Did it . Molds with detail are a PITA to get clean . The reason it is used in RTV molds is that RTV won't let it stick . Aluminium will because of the minute machining marks not visible to the eye . If you do that get ready to get out your Pearl Drops tooth paste and brush .
  16. X2 liked those too. specially if you hung one from your nose and slurped it up . LOL
  17. It is possible to plate your jigs at home . Fairly cheaply . YouTube has several videos on plating . You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that you can plate color from . The good thing is it is easy to get locally no matter where you live .
  18. If you make and paint your own lead bodies at some point . Cast the body on the shaft you are going to use make the spinner instead of the pull wires you get with the mold . Eliminates one step .
  19. I am a kid . I'm just wrinkled like I was when I came outta the shute .
  20. I have tried all over the globe . As far as I know no American mfg. are making the type with Nano technology . Which is very near gold and silver as well as many other colors . It is against American law for a country other than the U.S. to ship powders here according to my last conversation . I give up .
  21. Yep IT does . But we are the proud and the brave We'll at least admit we are getting a little long in the tooth .
  22. Oh my God I did start this thread . For a moment it was new to me . Who are you , Where am I at Oh crap this ain't my house and the screaming lady ain't my wife .
  23. The first models were 1955 . Then they escalated into assembly parts robots and things . Then spooky fangs and make up stuff . You can still find them at Toy max on the net . There are others links on that site . Hard to believe old guys still making those things .
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