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Everything posted by toadfrog

  1. Badger sells low end and high end airbrushes . Most of my work does not require fine detail so I can use the low end single action . I use an Iwata for finer detail . I also have a Pache . The high end badger should perform just fine depending on how abrasive the paint is . Hope some of the guys that are good at airbrushing chime in because to me they are all a pain in the rear .
  2. Ok one more try . Ribbed Tickler . Cause it fullfils the fantises of man and fish .
  3. It helps if you put a loop below the knee bend in the wire . Thread likes to slip . That gives you something to hang onto if you need to adjust it . Also after you tie it off put some clear coat on the thread before you make your leg bend . Keeps the thread seperation down to a minimum .
  4. Got a feeling that indiana blade is just going to flop around back there because it's likely to break spin at the surface .
  5. Thanks Bob , You usually come up with information and techniques that are not only of interest but informative and appreciated .
  6. Hot dang I knew I'd get something stirred up . LOL But really some of the molds i used shot from thinner veins without getting dents . The problem is I don't remember if there was a plastic resivoir cut in the mold any place to draw from . That was a reeealy long time ago .
  7. Finally somebody has there head out of there butt . Sense I was once involved in the extrusion of plastics and other compounds I often woundered why all the plastic molds I see are shot or poured from the thickest end of the bait . Back in the day non tackle molds I worked with were shot thru the finer points because the flow of plastic cooled as it traveled and a larger area filled easier up to the thinner area where the plastic maintained a higher temp . It was seldom that the finer piece had defects unless you ran out of plastic on the fill . Work with this a little Kajan . Might just surprise ya .
  8. I assume you know about all the taxes and legal crap you are going to have to deal with . Also before you jump in and start trying to kill snakes by speeding up the process it is wise to opperate as is and work out the bugs slowly . I was your age when I decided to go whole hog . I did not have TU to guide me then and I wasted a lot of time and money . There is a world of advice using the search . I'd start with taxes . It will take you days to read all this sage advice . Last but not least I hope you got deep pockets cause what your thinking with pad printing and all is EXPENSIVE !!!!!!!! Just my 2 cents Pard
  9. Ben , when you go deer hunting keep one of those things clean . If ya ever get shot by a deer rifle in the middle of no place . You can use it to plug the hole and maybe not bleed to death . Keep a padand an ace wrap too for cuts . I'm a walking accident looking to happen . I've learned to de prepared .
  10. It depends also on what head style you have . Myself I use the largest eye possible . I use 9/32 and 1/4 inch a lot . In the opposite direction I use as small as 2mm on jig heads .
  11. I heated a pop mold up once and then powder sprayed it . Pain to spray into small openings though . Wasn't to shabby . Never did lose the shine on the bait .
  12. I keep trying to think of something funny to say about pee but I give up . Cause it just going to get me in trouble .
  13. Never thought about no. my posts . Now that is a good idea . You can actually position the hooks inside the bait so that they interlock . That is if you want to fiddle around that much . Tell ya for sure . You'd have to rip the head clean of to loose the eyes after that .
  14. Sure did . Used eye shadow heat sealed it with a heat gun just like alumilite powder . Dipped it in clear LC plastic paint . Kinda gives a fellow a creepy feeling going to the Check out with lacey bloomers to cut up for scales and eye shadow for paint patterns . Best to buy a cheap birthday card so they don't look at you like your a cross dresser .
  15. Don't have all that shaking and drops if you use powder plastic dye . I'm basically a slob can't seem to keep from getting that liquid stuff all over the place .
  16. Well I said I'd post a pic of the frog soon as I got one shot . So here is my first attempt with this mold and strange coloring . Sorry for the sad pic quality .Many many Thanks again to whomever sent me this mold ..
  17. Awh yes ! the age old question of . What do I put my eyes on with . What glue do I use . Will they Stay on very well . And so on . The answer for me goes like this . I bought about 1000 ear studs . I then used Devcon 2T to affix them to the back of the eye . Then bent a hook on the ear stud . With this ready I picked up a handy little frog put some super glue on the hook of the ear stud . Jambed that puppy home where I wanted it . Results are as follows .
  18. What the crap is that . Our spam filter quit working .
  19. I think you had better of bought one in each color cause if there is a girl about you will not keep them long . I know . More of my tackle stuff just went missing . If I'm not mistaken I saw about a fist full of feathers sticking out of the grand daughters hip pocket as she climbed into the truck . I snag every bit of that kind of stuff I see . Meet you at the closeout haloween isle if you are ever in my neck of the woods .
  20. X2 what he said Or if you want to spend the bucks you could buy a digital controller and wire it in .
  21. I make my own . Think I posted something a year or two ago on that . You can make them faster than you think .
  22. Just A Thought Maybe Not . We all know that the reason there has been some decline in TU activity is OUR INOVATIONS ARE OFTEN USED BY PEOPLE THAT DON"T HAVE OUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART . That being said I was Thinking we could have a section that could be called , The Think Tank , a by invitation only discussion board with a clause that no information gained therein can be used without permission of the originator .Like I said Just A thought Maybe Not .
  23. I made one 4" similar rig couple years back . Where he twisted the wire around the tube I left it longer and twisted a hook on . Then burried the hook in the silicone mold for a molded in hook . Might add I did not make a seperate tail mold .Cuzz I'ma lazy old poot .
  24. Change is inevitable , Progress is possible , Friends are cherished . I for one will continue to cherish all TU members . I'll support any Red Blooded American that steps up to keep this forum from going blindly into the night .Thank you Jerry . Welcome to LPO because you know the pains and sacrifice it takes to start small and grow .
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