Sorry guy's I fell asleep at the wheel . The concrete sealer I've used was both epoxy based and poly based . It never made much difference to me which I used . You better let it dry a good while between coats and before you fish it . Careful what you put it on . If it is a water base paint . sometimes it will give a crackle effect with cheap paint like Testors . As far a reccomending it as a useful product for lures you put a lot of effort into I can't . Most of the lures I put it on were dispossible . Jig's , slabs , stuff you most likely aren't going to keep under glass . Also I didn't set out to use it . Just had it left over from a project I planned . Had one of those wonder if things hit me . The poly base will look like milk in a glass jar and when you put it on a lure . But as it dries will clear. Surprisingly . Over time it will yellow at least it will on a concrete figure standing in the yard . Use infra red lamps to heat it to a cure on either one . Get it to hot and it will bubble some . Still going to take a while to set . Sorry Can't be of much help . I never really nit picked it . If I intend to keep a lure I'll use Klass Kote or an automotive coat that a Guy at O'Rielly's fixes me up with .