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Everything posted by toadfrog

  1. Rats I thought I'd get get a rise out'a'ya with that last one .
  2. Like andy1976 I've made a lot of monster jigs . I got started cleaning eyes before baking the jig out a long time ago. Mainly because crappie fishermen whine the loudest over paint of any kind being in a jig eye . Just go ahead and clean them and if you don't want to . Then buy up a lot of cheese to go with their whine .
  3. Some time ago I did a little R&D on effects of temperature involving powder paint . If you are not in a hurry try this . I call it GHI graduated heat increments . Pre heat the oven to 150 degrees . Put in the heads increase heat 25 degrees every 10 minutes until you reach 330 . Leave for 20 minutes . Can take it to 350 on hooks that won't have the coating affected . Once you have done this put a head on a rod and line whip it hard on a concrete floor . Then let me know what ya think .
  4. I do my own but for those who don't it looks like agood job on them . Key factor being . I don't see threads hanging and looks like the thread is clear coated . Man I hate it when the thread unravels .
  5. Yesterday I recieved a surprise package in the mail. In that package was a spanking new frog mold . I want whomever in the world to know that I greatly appreciate this gift . I sure don't know what I did to deserve it . I do hope that what ever it was I did brought you as much joy as this mold brought me . Just as soon as I can get to play in the shop again I wil see what I can do with it and then post pics . Again thank you . Got me in the ole ticker .
  6. If for pan fish 1/32 and 1/16 Oz.
  7. Thanks Griffond , The only thing I haven't been able to do is put ice on this . Telling you pard . 1 minute of ice and it feels like somebody is pulling the bone out from my shoulder to my fingers . Got to start theropy in 2 weeks twice a week for four weeks . BlaH!!!
  8. This arm thing sucks . The brace system works great can't go without it to do anything . 5 or so days since I did it and the forearm and hand still swell if I do much of anything . I think fall bite may pass me by this time . I for sure can't crank a reel . Typing gets to me after 15 minutes or so .
  9. Sorry guy's I fell asleep at the wheel . The concrete sealer I've used was both epoxy based and poly based . It never made much difference to me which I used . You better let it dry a good while between coats and before you fish it . Careful what you put it on . If it is a water base paint . sometimes it will give a crackle effect with cheap paint like Testors . As far a reccomending it as a useful product for lures you put a lot of effort into I can't . Most of the lures I put it on were dispossible . Jig's , slabs , stuff you most likely aren't going to keep under glass . Also I didn't set out to use it . Just had it left over from a project I planned . Had one of those wonder if things hit me . The poly base will look like milk in a glass jar and when you put it on a lure . But as it dries will clear. Surprisingly . Over time it will yellow at least it will on a concrete figure standing in the yard . Use infra red lamps to heat it to a cure on either one . Get it to hot and it will bubble some . Still going to take a while to set . Sorry Can't be of much help . I never really nit picked it . If I intend to keep a lure I'll use Klass Kote or an automotive coat that a Guy at O'Rielly's fixes me up with .
  10. Ebay Thompson D vise simple efficient cast iron, prolly get one 20 bucks tyd.
  11. From what I researched on Web M.D. It looks like this is a partial tear . Nothing is ripped loose from the bone . Time to completely heal is likely never . Time for it to heal enough it won't drive me nuts is 4 to 6 months . 4 to 6 weeks if I don't have to do any manual labor with it . Now we all know that ain't going to happen . Thumb index finger and the one next to the index are ok . the other 2 are pulled all the way to the shoulder . The partial tear is smack in the freak'in middle of my forearm . I've made an over and under hand brace with an extention that imobilizes the two small fingers and supports the wrist so it won't bend . Then I have banded the muscle at the elbow and middle of the bicep . Worked today and my hand didn't swell like road kill in the hot sun ,so I'm thinking I may be on the right track . Sure is uncomfortable to wear . Thank God Almighty for pain pills .
  12. Well now I've done it . Tore the tendons in my fishing arm . I'm left Handed so now I got to make tackle right handed . This is going to be ugly in more ways than one . I went to emergency care . The kid I saw was a girl bout 5'2 if an inch . Bouncey little thing I assume she was a praticing attendant . Made me want to put her in time out . To make a long story short . I left with only an x-ray and a not anything we can do for ya . Any suggestions on the best way to brace this arm and fingers . We are tackle doctors . I'm willing to gunea pig if you guys want to branch out . LOL
  13. It all stinks Bro . But dear Lord watch that stuff and don't burn it . No trips to the potty or phone calls while you nuke . It will catch on fire and it will never stop smelling once it does for any lenght of time . Absolutely never douse it with water . If you got babies lock them out . The first thing one will do is walk up and stick a finger in a hot mold of plastic .
  14. I do a lot of jigs from 1/100 to 6 OZ . I had to find a cheap clear coat that could stand impact . Been using concrete sealer some time now . Didn't say anything cause I wanted to see what everybody thought when this post came up . Serves my purposes just fine . But then i don't do crank baits . I HATE CRANK Baits . Sorry to you crank lovers .
  15. I make my own just use a split shot mold or for bigger ones lead pellet mold for sling shots .
  16. Barlowe's tackle has the best charts around for blades and hooks hands down .
  17. That belongs in one of my Nutty Idea posts Just for the fact you want to try it . Proud of ya son . Next your going to want to cut it . Take plenty of time and search for rotary fabric blades . They are expensive but you can find a deal . Mount them on a piece of all thread seperated by washers and use it like a rolling pen to cut your filiments .
  18. My gal ran off left me the bills . I do miss my dog though .
  19. It works ''IF'' you use them right away . You can use open pours using a spatula to spread it in and Inject it If the injector can handle thick liquids . In either case wipe molds with worm oil or vegetable oil . Refrigerate the lure or about 48 hrs later they will become nasty goo . Only one person I know off has made it work for any period of time . Google Bio Baits .
  20. Looked at those baits . They aren't fancy but they are functional . Can't say they are bad for the price . He is using standard snap ball bearing swivels to make the baits have interchangable blades ect . Each to his own I guess .
  21. Powder paint will work. Eye shadow will work . Rite dye and it has salt in it .
  22. OK this is the word . The prices are basically the same everywhere . The only way is to save money on shipping or in Qty . Buying one or more trial kits is your best bang for the buck .
  23. I think if anybody knows it would be my son . I'll ask . He goes through gallons of resin and smooth on products . Does replica of SyFi movie costumes like the Predator helmets and all that . Very good at it too .
  24. Seen the bait junkies system .Good stuff for the guy that is flailing away all the time in plastics . I'm just an old hillbilly doing the best he can with what I've got . LOL jbob I'm getting old and slow in the knoggin . Can't hear , Can't see , can't pee . My doctor looks like I need to change his diaper and prescribes me medicine I used to take for recreation . By the way where is that walker .
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