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Everything posted by toadfrog

  1. Check into winding wire for motors and stator assemblies .
  2. Guys ya don't REALLLY NEED PLASTISOL for yourself and a one time fishing trip any hot set gummy bear recipe will make a lure . Either hand pour or injection . It will shock the thunder out of you how similar the action is . Takes scents very well and will stand up in the water for as much as an hour depending on the bait . Biodegradible and edible by water fowel or fish . Have to keep them in a cooler though or they will stick together . Pearch and crappie will go ape over them . Grape flavor . Also racoons will rifle your boat to get the grape ones . Voice of experience on that .
  3. Well shoot this didn't come up in new content . Maybe a reply will do it .
  4. I like versatility with every thing I do . Heck even a hammer has more uses than just to drive a nail . Some times a guy can't afford a lot of molds , injectors ect . So I was doing some slabs with this Do-It SJS-3-A slab mold . I thought wonder if I could make a soft bite slab for shallow fresh water fishing . So I set about figuring on how I would weidgt it . Aha I have a lure body mold . Took the lure body slipped it onto the form crimped it and the loose wire ends Placed that into the slab mold . Searched around until I found some really tough saltwater plastics . Nuked them , poured it in and Whala ! Now the finished product dosen't weigh a lot .4 to .5 OZ but it casts great on light tackle equipment . So here ya are for grins and giggles . Oh yea those eyes won.t come off they go all the way through the body and snap into each other aided by supper glue . I feel kinda sorry for the blind stuffed Iguana laying in the trash can .
  5. Don't know if your using a pot or a bullet laddle to pour with but I had better luck on some molds if I used the bullet ladle , turnd the mold on its nose , stuck the spout in then turned laddle and mold together down on the table . Just thought I'd toss that in in case it helps.
  6. Yep seen it . But turns out its just basically a candy coat .
  7. There are several Twist Tech Is more than likely best suited for that . Try the search in wire baits ought to be a mile of info on it .
  8. No real success finding the colors I want . Tried making it. I think I may try electro plating . Then go over them with epoxy or glass clear powder coat . Am wondering if anybody here already does that .
  9. I'll give them a shot . Plain forgot about them . Man am I ever getting senile .
  10. Looked at a lot of powder places most just carry black or silver chrome . Ah well the searck goes on .
  11. If I had an old football mold I didn't need I'd fix ya up . Send me a pic of exactly what you want and I'll work on it . Maybe I can help you do it with a football head .
  12. Are there any chrome powder paints state side in colors of yellow/chart , Chart , Blue ect . I can get it elsewhere but I have to buy 1500 lbs at a time .
  13. Think it was removed for three reasons 1 it didn't sell as well as the other molds 2 the amount of plastic it takes to make the thing was a little draw back .3 Laminates and swirls were somewhat difficult . Just my 2 cents worth here .
  14. Try Klass Kote two part epoxy . If you call the company he will help you work out issues before you get the product .
  15. This question is sorta salt to taste like fried chicken each to his own . I do all kinds of plastics for special projects salt water to crappie . My rule of thumb is 1 OZ softner to 1 cup plastic using hard formula as the base . Might try 3/4 oz softner using med as the base . Like I say most of us have worked out our own and it changes with customer desires too . Check out the tutorials got to be something in there on that .
  16. Your welcome is in order here . It is part of the prime directive of this brotherhood of anglers to impart knowledge to those who seek it . Just be sure you pass it on to the next generation leaving your foot print in the sand like those before you .
  17. Thanks this was a fun project . Inspired by the Comstock Flying Hellgrimite .
  18. Naw , But if I go out of this world I want to go out with a bang . Otherwise nobody much will notice . Thanks guys I appreciate your help .
  19. I personally don't have any presto pots stirers or any of those things . Therefore to avoid all these pit falls I line up 6 to 12 molds according to there general size and shape put them in a clamping system . Then I nuke the plastic and shoot all the plastic I have heated up non stop . For a guy like me that just putters around with all tackle building it is the most cost effective . Unless you walk off to the crapper and stay too long . Things don't come out like you wouold like in either place .
  20. X2 on that I shake like a possum craping peache seeds . Thats an ugly sight . now if I do a hand pour I lay a 1/4 inch flat sheet of aluminum with a weight on it and put up with the trimming .
  21. I use a 60 ml syrenge to measure . mixed well very well . Got a half gallon of this stuff . Under normal conditions it is excellent for my needs . So after reading the input from you guys and trying again got the same result . So I said what the heck . I mixed up an ounce or in a graduated med cup . of equal parts of lighter fluid acetone and denatured alcohol . Stuff I had here . put that to 4 fluid ounces of epoxy . I KNOW YOU GUYS ARE ARE SAYING ( THAT BOY JUST AIN'T RIGHT ) But it worked . Now will it work twice . Don't know often I do something like that and fail every time afterwards . Might mention the humidity here seems to be like a swamp year around . go 6 miles away and its not as bad . Go figure .
  22. I use them all the time . They sit at a bit of an angle but pour fine. I also can use a 90% hook .My mold has no mods at all to it .
  23. Witch Craft Tape are too busy pricing themselves out of the market . Been a while since I needed eyes called them up for 50,000 the price quote was not pretty .
  24. Being a cheap skate I bought some epoxy . Does not have a date on it . Mixed it according to instructions but the stuff is not drying . After three days it is still slightly tacky even after having it under infra red heat . What can I use as a catalist to make it dry besides ordering some . Have quite a lot of it .
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