Watermelon Red
Green Pumkin
Motor oil
Chartruese variations of glitter
Smoke variations of glitter
Clear Holo glitter
Pearl white
The rest would be basic colors in the category of custom chat/hot pink ect.
X2 bob it flushes the particals from between the product there by not trapping as much of it in the middle when you lift them out . There will be crud floating around no matter how clean the lead appears .
Got out a bunch of slabs the other day to paint them . Been around a while and found they had oxidized . Paint does not like to stick to dirty lead . What to DO! Got several hundred to go out . This is what you do . Build an acid bath like this using plain old apple cider vinegar as your medium . Then wash them in distilled water air dry. Overnite should more then take care of the problem .
there site should have a place for you to look up the distributer nearest you . Some times you wind up getting them cheaper from a distributer than ordering direct . What mold you looking for .
X2 what he said . There are a lot of variables before you even heat the plastisol most all settle so you have to shake it ,stir it or something before you ever cook it . Use an IR meat thermometer or something to keep a close eye on that temp . Anything over 350 you're headed into a danger zone . The colors will change on you with more than one reheat so only mix what you can use up in one set .
I need a bunch of Shad Dots . Which one of ya'all sell those in bulk . I think I got the last ones from Bustin Bass Baits . Somebody jump in here Old timers and poor organization that comes with it are killing me .
Far as I know on the hook making machines it's hammer and anvil time . Actually a cnc can do it but there is all the other stuff that goes along . Heat tenpering , coatings , Testing equipment . The list goes on .
The overseas crew watch this site . That is why a lot and I mean a lot of things aren't posted any more . When I first started on TU there was someting new poped up every few hours . If you want to get a look at most of our copied lures go to Alibaba.com You'll get an education .
Super glue ain't worth a dang for eyes that are put on flush . When the wife sees what I spent on molds this month there 'sa gonna be eye popping around here ya betcha . So start giggling now it"sa com'in my way .
I was I believe the first to post about Zieners on TU. That is the first complaint I've ever seen on them . They must have had something unforseen happen to cause all that . Sorry you had the difficulty .
You can do that yourself with a drill press and a cheap pop rivet gun . Drill the hole where you want the eye in one cavity . Close the mold turn it over and use the hole you just drilled for a guide to drill the other side . Then take a pop rivet reverse the direction of the nail in it by sliding off the aluminum rivet replacing it on the nail in the opposite direction . Slide the nail threw the hole on the inside of the cavity . Use the rivet gun to pull it into place . When it is seated the nail will pop out . This allows you to change the rivets at will to larger eyes if needed by drilling out the rivet . Determine hole dia. by measiring the tang of the rivet . the hole should be .005 or larger than the rivet tang . You will get the eye socket impression you nedd when you pour the mold.
Dip toss method works for me . I did try somethin that had minamal sucess . I drilled an old mold placed some flat head rivets in it leaving the head of the rivet sticking out about .050 . inside the cavity where the eyes were to be located . Shot the mold and pulled the bait . It left something quite similar to an eye lid . Ithen put a speck of super glue in there and popped in the 3 D eye . Holds pretty darn good except if you have to squeeze the bait around the eye area to get it out of a fishes mouth . Good chance the eye will come out then . This occured to me because I have a prosthetic eye myself . If the wife gets me in a head lock over my spending sprees my eye can pop out too.
I know a little bit about burns . Looks like you can get by without grafts from what I can tell . Wish I could say it wasn't goin to be painful to heal . But I wouldn't count on doing much with that hand for months . Whatever you do as it heals don't let that skin get dried out and scab up . Use some vitamin E oil on it and it won't scar as bad . I'm sitting here gritting my teeth Just looking at it . Been there done something similar . When I say I hurt for Ya I MEAN IT. Damn . Get well friend .
Chips of real easy if it gets whacked up against something with sharp edges . Don't stick to lead worth a darn . It was given to me by a model painter so I have no idea if I applied it properly or if epoxy coating it would work . Couldn't see where it was an advantage in the water . Best thing to do is hang a lure from you truck mirror . Does a lot of chsnges there .
I was curious about that because I have injected hard polypropelene before and the molds were made to shoot thin stuff first . Different product all together I know . But I had to scratch my head and wonder. Inquiring minds have to know.
I like CCM X2 and Lure Craft . I have colorant from I guess everybody for specific projects since that is what I do . But the afore mentioned are the ones I use for my baits .
This is a little off the subject but wouldn't it be better to shot from the thinnest portion of the bait While the liquid is piping hot letting the flow go forward to the heavt parts . This could possibly prevent the need of but one or two vents thus reducing machinning .
Doing the neddle method is an inexpensive way to make fuzzy grubs . If you want to shoot the bodies I suppose you could do that with a worm nose mold .