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Everything posted by toadfrog

  1. You can also mix clear powder with other colors . Gives it a look kinda like a glass marble . Takes very little non clear color .
  2. Normally I don't paint Plastic Baits . Just pour or shoot standard colors . But a friend of mine wanted some painted back swim baits . I wandered around wondering how I was going to hold the baits to paint them . Then i spied a clip board . The thought struck me (clip board hold paper , clip board hold fish) so I cut it down the board to the edge of the clip and stuck it in a vise . Worked like pockets on a shirt . Here it tis.
  3. I normally just hand pour or inject one color swim baits. Then came a guy that wanted the backs painted . Problem being I hate wearing cloves or trying to sit the baits in some kind of corrogated holder as I am clumbsy . Spoted an old clip bord in a box of junk . The thought struck me Clip board hold paper. Clip board hold fish . No drop in floor . No paint fingers . Sawed off the board even with the clip jaw . Clamped it in the vice . By Jove I think I love it.
  4. toadfrog

    More Lure Bodies

    Need a little clean up or repaint with your own pattern . Some hardware included. 10 pounds Make an offer.The second pic is the type of lure they are assembled into.
  5. toadfrog

    Lure Bodies

    Got a 1/2 0z mold . looking for bigger . Still have more bodies.
  6. toadfrog

    Tied Trebles

    I have 800 tied trebles on no. 6 and 8 hooks good for poppers and things like that . They are nickle coated hooks . Trades for molds and large jig hooks other than bronze welcome .
  7. Amen to that the stuff stinks to heaven . One good wiff of the stuff and next morning your throat is raw , At least mine was.
  8. Use a big single hook if you go after fish with teeth . Trebles are a real pain to get out when the fish has more sharp edges than your hook .
  9. Google Ziener's Bass Shop cheapest place on the planet to by a mold . Good folks too.
  10. toadfrog

    Lead Casting

    I think you are looking for someone to do ear ball lures. One of the molds I don't have but wishI did .
  11. You can use almost any mold a wire will go through . x 2 on the bottom bouncer . Just put a crinkle in the wire with a pair of pliers so it dosen't slide up and down your wire . Multitude of shapes can be had that way . I make some really strange looking stuff from 1/8 oz. to 6 oz.
  12. BBK , bet your thinking inline spinner .
  13. Split ring will work . So will an open eye treble . Just crimp it shut .
  14. I have 3 types of benders . I like the Twistech for large inline spinners . They allow more working room .
  15. toadfrog


    I have several Jacobs molds . The segmented tail shad is a lure style I came up with amongst others here and there . Working on digging up the cash . Can't use household funds or the wife will be digging my grave .
  16. toadfrog


    I'm mulling this over . I like Jacobs molds .
  17. Well it's been a long time since I posted another nutty idea . So here goes . Everybody at some time or another has had to deal with the little volcano's you get in your fluid bed . I pretty much got sick of them so I decided to use them instead of fight them . An idea formed in my head during one of these episodes . Here for grins and giggles is the proto type not the finished product I created . I call it Thunder Dome . The base is standard fluid bed construction with internal not shown on purpose . The dome is off a hot chocolate mixer . The stopper came from an old sink . The forced air unit is a foot pump used on an air matress . Now put two or three heaping table spoons of powder in the cup (thats all you will need depending on cup size .) Heat your jig spoon or blade . Drop in the hole under the stopper using the stopper to hold the piece in place . Stomp on air mattress pump . A nice poof of powder will plume up covering the piece . Sort of a cross between dipping and air brushing . SEE WHAT KNARLEY CHILLI DOGS AND BEER WILL DO TO YA!!!!!! Now I just have to deal with the volcanoes I emitt . ARGGGG!
  18. Bear makes top of the line molds . Never had a problem with them . Even if by some chance you have a problem all you have to do is contact him and he will work with you .
  19. Denting issues can sometimes be handled by pulling a vacume on the offending air exhuast port .
  20. Salt is a real pain for me . Tried it don't use it anymore . I poured or shot a lure then stired , poured a lure then stirred . so on and so on . May have over done it but between the bugers in the tip and the salt settling I didn't want to take the chance .
  21. toadfrog

    spinner bait mold 3oz up

    Just putting out a feeler . To see if anybody had a dust collector that big . Got a project I want to do If it dosen't cost an arm and a leg . Let meKnow.
  22. You hit the nail on the head . You can go a little further but by the time you go this far the jeepers will be scared out of you .
  23. If your talking adding it to the plastic don't not a safe thing to do . If you weant it on the lure just rub it with a piece of bacon . Fish and crawfish do like bacon .
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