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Everything posted by toadfrog

  1. Yoy have to glue the swim bait to the press board . I used pvc pipe glue .
  2. I take a heat gun and go over the inside of the bucket until the bucket starts to become pliable . After it cools you can peel out the residue . I run the jugs thru a chipper shredder and disgard as usual.
  3. I second the above . But I might add that you can use 100% silicone that is about 3.65 a tube Just add about 1/8 tsp water per tube as you mix . It will make it set up fast so don't linger around to long before you get the master in. depending on how thick the mold is 15 minutes to an hour it is set up . You do need to set it in the sun an hour or so to make sure the water is completely vaporized . You can pour a lot of baits with it and is the cheapest way I know to experiment.
  4. Well said sir. I've been following this topic to see where it ultimately would go . I would like to remind folks this sight is one of the best in the world . A place for sharing and learning . A place for friends of like interests to gather . I personally am indebted to many of you for your cotributions. I hope we all endeavor to remain kind . The younger set are watching our business practices.
  5. Do not alter your mold . What type mold is it . I assume a craw. First thing the plastic may not be hot enough , 2nd it may not be soft enough . Third sometimes a warm mold flows better . Fourth if the air reliefs are slightly tight them you may have to put vacume to the mold or contact the vendor to see if they can help you .
  6. I personally haven't had real good luck with that . I just try to heat and shoot enough for the molds in front of me. I don't do a lot of fancy laminating and stuff so it works for me.
  7. Every time you reheat the plastic changes and the color will loose brightness or will darken . You can buy a heat stabilizer to go in it but that just adds cost. My experience has been about three times . Give or take depending on color . The best thing to do is only mix enough to pour or shoot for the run you are doing . Never take your eyes off the crap a few seconds fiddling around can result in ruined plastic . Goofed off and ruined some myself last njght.
  8. Bears Baits sells glue for eyes in his online store.
  9. Catching fish on anything is basically just a mistake on the fishes part due to the impulses driving them .I have to say that lures today are works of art in there own way . The technology from plastics to crank baits and every thing in between is astounding . But my hat is off to the old timers that pioneered the lure industry . To those of you who still hand carve lures with patience , endurance and skill THANK YOU FOR KEEPING A TRADITION ALIVE .
  10. AMEN BROTHER , preach it. The man is giving you the gospel . That exise tax was laid on us during WWII the government has been ripping us of ever since .
  11. Voice of experience here . Depending on the type of individual this person may or may not be it could cost you . If he just likes to fight in words or deed and is loaded with cash he might just take you to court knowing full well he would lose . But with the hope it puts you under . If it did Then he wins because it would be possible to reclaim the patent . Sort of two strikes for one . Just food for thought .
  12. It will work for colored lures but if you try to pour clear it will have a yellowish tint . Plastic will degrade ever so slightly each month you have it . That is what will cause the off clear.
  13. I've seen that somewhere . But dang if I can remember who or where. I don't know how far back the search feature will go but look in the for sale section here. I would but I have to leave for work.
  14. Don't know about anybody else but pan fish get the tails more often than tearing up the lure . If you don't have a lot of tail stealing critters it would be worth a try just for grins and giggles. its all fun anyway.
  15. I say stop using all these over priced hooks of poor quality . Just say no . A hook is a hook . If its sharp and has a non tarnish coating ,durable with 1 % or less bad findings in them then its quality.
  16. If the blister has a flange around the edge and fits flat on the card stapling is the cheapest way.
  17. All colored coatings will come off hooks ect . Just go to a machinest supply and get some red chem-dye . Run the split rings on a string dip them in the dye then stretch the string horizonally seperate the rings with a knife blade let dry . I would clean the rings in vinegar first to remove oils and put something down for drips . Chem dye will not come out of clothes leather ect.
  18. toadfrog

    413 jig hooks 6/0 7/0

    Looking for 413 6/0 7/0 jig hooks . If you have some laying around you don't need I could use some . Would order from Captain Hooks but don't want to wait 2 to four weeks . My vacation starts in a week . Thanks
  19. Any Of The medium formulas work well for me . I usually order from Bears but it kinda depends on where you live check out those shipping charges.
  20. Look for another nutty Idea . I posted a way to do that a while back . You can make them yourself .
  21. I'm trying to get a young fellow to start doing lead and plastic molds. So far he hasn't bit the bullet . If he does I'll have him practice on mine then post the results along with contact info. If nothing else he could make money pinning jig molds for eyes.
  22. How long do you keep the heads before you use them . It should take quite a while before the heads dull and turn grayish blue . either way you can clean any head old or new by dropping them in a solution of straight vinegar. amber colored kind. It will also etch them slightly and make paint stick like heck. If you are using bronze hooks don't put those in . it will cause them to rust.
  23. Way to Go Frank Its a good thing and commendable to keep your customers interests up front by not showing his baits.
  24. Just wash them in detergent water. Towel them dry . hit them with a hair dryer . cook those dudes pour. I agree with the stinking part 100% . Sneak up on the heat cause if you get it so hot it sort of smokes Bad Bad news . Nose full of that and the best you will get is a sinus infection . Take it from a guy who's experiments have often brought him remorse later.
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