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Everything posted by toadfrog

  1. toadfrog


    What is the longest spinner bait hook made . Any manufacturer any model . Anything from 2/0 up. Thanks
  2. Save yourself a lot of misery Save your money . If you bass fish . Then go to Bears Baits pick an injection mold you like , an injector ,Plastic and colors . I don't recommend buying a kit because it will contain gloves and clamps . Personally I don't use clamps or those heavy mill gloves. I use a smooth jaw vice with a card board insert to keep from scratching the mold fast and easy. I wear a vynil coated pair of mechanics gloves . Light weight form fitting and have had no problems burning my self. I heat in a microwave. Heat only what you can use up within 2 heats . Never let you attention wander away while heating . Do get an infrared temp gun . Takes the guess work out . You don't over or under heat. Enough rambling . READ READ READ every post here and on Bears site . Some of these guys and gals are The absolute top of the line plastics people in the world.
  3. Probably molds someone has hacked all to heck with their lucky little dremel tool or someone who couldn't get one to pour so they heated it until it took the shape of a slice of cantalope Just to find out they had trash in their lead pot. Lots of scenerio's cover the term junk mold. If you wind up with them post a pic. Give us a look see.
  4. Now with all that being said. You can understand why guys like me only build stuff for friends and family. I quit the business a decade or more ago for all those reasons and more. The Feds will pull right up in your drive like an old gangster movie and hand cuff you like they did a freind of mine. Do your tackle hobby for fun and keeping alive the tradition. The tax hassel is nothing but a major head ache.
  5. Every so often all these site have to go down in part or in whole for maintenance. You can get a lot of clutter that jams up the works . especially if there is high volume usage or are adding features.
  6. toadfrog

    Ament molds

    I am looking for older or unusual molds spinning type lures or lure body molds. Presently my target is Ament molds LA3 , TA6 , Egg HEAD 345 , 789 , BH series 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 also PLA series 1, 2 , 3 ,4 . I am going back to the basics and will be doing only old style baits. Molds like the old golden nugget are of interest as well . Trading is welcome.
  7. You can use plain old soap and water. Most packaged baits will have at the very least vegetable oil on them . That does three things . Makes them slick so they package easier, makes them seem livelier when squished in the package and gives them a little extra shine.
  8. I had the same thought. already ordered one. Haven't gotten it yet. I will use it in a fry daddy instead of a presto pot because its smaller for little projects. If it works I will adapt it to a converter so that I won't need batteries. Just another one of my NUTTY IDEAS .
  9. Personally a good assortment of beetle spinners in several sizes . That way you can change heads and plastics quickly. Don't use up a lot of room and is every bit as effective as most anything you can put in the water . But then each to his own.
  10. toadfrog


    Do a search in the posts and you'll get about everything you'll ever need to know. Also in the upper right side of the forum page is a color cook book for a lot of the color you may want to make.
  11. Somehow the picks didn't come through , so lets try again.
  12. Well it been a while since I posted another nutty Idea. I've been pretty busy helping folks with their projects. OK if you have a mandrel type tube mold, you don't want to cut the skirts anymore. Probably gone and bought an injected skirt mold. Now what are ya gonna do with the old one. Don't sell it adapt it. Here is how . Go down to the plumbing store and get some 1/4 inch brass shut off valve adapters the kind that allows you to slip a plastic hose on . Take a piece of wire or heavy bobbin threader run it through the flared end. Place a piece of skirt tab in the loop pull it through the the brass adapter leaving a small loop above the flared end. take out the wire put the filled adapter into you mandrel slot close the mold shoot it . Here are some pics to explain the rest of the process.
  13. Well it been a while since I posted another nutty Idea. I've been pretty busy helping folks with their projects. OK if you have a mandrel type tube mold, you don't want to cut the skirts anymore. Probably gone and bought an injected skirt mold. Now what are ya gonna do with the old one. Don't sell it adapt it. Here is how . Go down to the plumbing store and get some 1/4 inch brass shut off valve adapters the kind that allows you to slip a plastic hose on . Take a piece of wire or heavy bobbin threader run it through the flared end. Place a piece of skirt tab in the loop pull it through the the brass adapter leaving a small loop above the flared end. take out the wire put the filled adapter into you mandrel slot close the mold shoot it . Here are some pics to explain the rest of the process.
  14. Absolutely do not melt them in your pouring pot Please. Not all wheel weights are lead. some contain chemicals that can with a little time pit the inside of the pot. Take your thumb nail like a knife pressing hard drag it across the weight. If it does not leave a crease be leary of it. Also drop them from about shoulder high to something hard like concrete if you hear anything other than a dull thump set those aside as well. Some tire shops have a parts list that will tell whats in a weight by symbol or no. . Now that you have the lead sorted and melted .Take a piece of kiln dried oak dowel rod stir the lead with the dowel Skim off the dross . Keep doing this until you only get black dust from the dowel burning . Now your lead is not only clean but fluxed.
  15. I think BPS sells a plastic snap on bill that fits over the back of a round jig head. If not it was probably on Jann's site . only two I've looked at in a while.
  16. Have you tried powder graphite . Open the mold completely as far back as you possibly can. Work it back and forth a lot blow out the hinge area with high pressure air. Apply powder.
  17. HEY Frank, Now all you got to do is turn it into a combo. Hand pour adapter and blending block. Great job might even deserve an award.
  18. Are you looking for an R eye or twisted eye wire.
  19. I like the big head worm. Good bass producer.
  20. I'd give it some long lenghty thought I have played around with plastic had a few grins and giggles . I've crunched the numbers a dozen ways but I don't think (not that it matters) you can make enough to sustain a family on the hobby type of equipment available to most folks . Unless you have a means of support that will allow you to invest all your time . Time and the use of it is the enemy most battled and hardest manage.
  21. I know one thing if you use CSI paint on lead then put plastic grubs on the jig it will have a reaction and the paint will peel of the head. I bet the acetone in the paint leached the color to your plastic. just a guess.
  22. Honestly I never owned a hilts mold I liked haven't purchased one since the 70's . Don't mean to bash any product but I'd hate to see you buy something and be disappointed.
  23. I'm assuming you are talking bass size, Take a look at Jacobs Bait. He does pan fish molds but Rick might do a larger version . I don't know for sure but if he will he'll need some lead time. I have several of his molds they are excellent.
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