Save yourself a lot of misery Save your money . If you bass fish . Then go to Bears Baits pick an injection mold you like , an injector ,Plastic and colors . I don't recommend buying a kit because it will contain gloves and clamps . Personally I don't use clamps or those heavy mill gloves. I use a smooth jaw vice with a card board insert to keep from scratching the mold fast and easy. I wear a vynil coated pair of mechanics gloves . Light weight form fitting and have had no problems burning my self. I heat in a microwave. Heat only what you can use up within 2 heats . Never let you attention wander away while heating . Do get an infrared temp gun . Takes the guess work out . You don't over or under heat. Enough rambling . READ READ READ every post here and on Bears site . Some of these guys and gals are The absolute top of the line plastics people in the world.