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Everything posted by toadfrog

  1. You guys have all got to be bald . all them brains has to be pushing your hair out by the roots. Bet I never build a crank bait. I'm so confused.
  2. Working on more nutty Ideas.

  3. I tried what I call pooling once. First off I use porcelin cups or bowels they hold heat a lot better. I mesured close to the quantity off two colors that I would need too make a couple of pours. I used 2/3 0f a cup of white , then I drisseled from the center outwards to the wall of the cup with black . Kinda like making a cup of that funny coffee. I drug a stirstick through the plastic following that line. Pour after that . Or Inject whichever your pleasure is. Didn't turn out to bad.
  4. I second that . It doesen't have to be fancy. Just your own work of art. Express yourself. Welcome!
  5. PM Me your address and I'll send some for you to play with.
  6. If you are going to do it to make money you won't . You can make a lot of fun and learn more things than you can imagine. You will need multiple molds of the same lure if you do production . I suggest you read every darn thing you can find on every web site . before you spend a dime. Unless your like me. Its been said that I am Half witted . But then I've survived pretty well with only half my witts , when others have not with all their witts intact .
  7. ORGANIZATION is being able to remember where you left it at last !
  8. I used brass tubing put in a bb of two crimped the ends hit it with a little soldier. Honestly never could tell a rattle did any good.
  9. This stuff just happens. Honest. If I had a schedule I would pull the hair I don't have out. If you could see my man cave the first thought you'd have is AIN'T NO WAY I'M GOING IN THERE! My wife says she is going to get a sign that says MAD SCIENTIST AT WORK DO NOT ENTER. Especially after I made a copy of my hand out of worm plastic complete with hair and finger nails. It has a servo motor that makes its fingers tap the table. Add a little karo syrup and red food die and you got your bloody trembling halloween hand. Gave that to a spook house.
  10. Crank up the heat on your lead. Make sure its clean and has no dross floating around in it. Set it about 9 on a lee pot. lay the mold on top the lead pot as you heat it up. I see no reason why the mold should be the problem. Its a very good looking mold. If you want the flat for the eye to be recesses just drill the center of the flat and set a flat head rivet in it. You will be pleased with the result. Also put more of a funnel taper in the gate bottom. I think the concave shape is creating sort of a vortex not letting your lead gravity feed as it should.
  11. I come from the old school of make do with what you got. After pouring jigs for a month or so I accumilated a coffee can full of misfired lead heads , dinks. rather than throw them away or sit down and cut the lead I decided to try something. I have an older model toaster that has clean out doors for crumbs on the bottom. it also has a dial type temp knob that goes light to dark. Dark is really hot. I dangled a row of 1/16 heads on a piece of all thread , set them in the toaster slot. hit the switch on dark. The lead melted off the hook leaving it bright and shiny as the first time I used it. As the lead accumilated in the bottom I opened the trap to release it into a container for reuse. I imagine this will only work with soft lead since I haven't tested it further or on larger heads. Please don't use your wifes toaster ! I don't want any emails calling me a dirty cotton rock sucker. It hurts my feelings.
  12. First I'd like to say that I work with and for very special group of People that have all sorts of infermatives and disabilities . Thank You to snakeriver aka BOB'S Jigs in Richland , Oregon we owe you a debt of thanks. NOW this nutty idea is not soley my own but one of my guys I just carried it out for him. We were using a tube skirt mold ,the type that requires pins to make it hollow then you hand cut the tails. Well one of the old fellows and I quote said. Cut'em the hell with that put one of these in the damn things in it. He held up a silicone skirt tab. I didn't bring any tying supplies so I was hard pressed for something to hold the strands together. Finally one of them handed me a gum wrapper said roller up in this. I did and now you can see the end result after we shot it.
  13. Well Frank I've been told several stories one that the pyrex cup had a flaw that would cause that reaction. Two that the type of surface on something glass metal ect . will cause that reaction. But I had a similar experince. So here is what to do . Go to a dollar shop or something similar purchase a small ceramic cup or bowel depending on if you want to pour from it or not . To my knowledge ceramic reacts to no waves of any kind . Put some plastic and the suspect glitter in and let her go. If it sparkles you have the glitter as the culprit. If so your glitter has a metalic reflective surface.
  14. If you shot some of these be sure your plastic is 340 degrees or so ,less and it will turn out hollow. Clear pearls are the best colors and few good size glitter just afew because very many push your feather around.
  15. AH , Come on now. Shucks Ain't noth'in.
  16. Yep its possible, Show me a pic of the grub you want to use. I might be able to come up with something.
  17. Ya know this stuff just comes over me all at once . I have daymares and nightmares . Heck I can be pitch'in woo and suddenly run out to the man cave to do something crazy. Glad you all enjoy my wierd and wacky ways . Stay tuned for more nutty Ideas same time same channel.
  18. Well I had another sleepless night like I do sometimes. I decided to go to the man cave shoot some crappie lures for a trip tomorrow. I'd already been tying jigs earlier and had a few feathers floating around. If you have ever done jigs I imagine you've noticed the hackle tapers somewhat like a minnow. Then the thought hit me . FEATHER TAPER LOOK LIKE MINNOW HAVE MINNOW MOLD PUT FEATHER IN MINNOW. So my serious work became AGAIN an adventure into the unknown. Sometimes I can almost here Rod Serling narrating in the background . DO NOT ADJUST YOUR TV. For the next few moments----- Anyway to make a long story short I cut the hackle tippets to lay in the grove of the mold leaving enough feather so as to trap it in place when I closed the mold. Then I shot the bait. This is the end result. You can make them with fins over and under or without depending on the lay of the feather.
  19. toadfrog

    Jig Eyes

    I have made lures since I was a child . The lures I make for others have eyes the lures in my box don't . If you are going to sell them make them with eyes to catch the sport fisherman. Fish don't wear little round spectacles and tap there fins while inspecting potential lunch. They are just sharks with no teeth. If it resembles prey in movement and presentation they will eat it.
  20. Well first What are they coated with. Powder paint , vynil , ect. it would be best if the coating is removed from the head first . Then pick up a pair of flush cut jewlers/craft pliers . They cost between 5 and 8 dollars at any craft section in almost any store . Cut the lead head off following generally the middle of the head down the shank toward the eye. This saves having the hook go through more heat than necessary. After you have accumilated the lead melt it down in a container other than your lead pot. Once you have the lead about as hot as you can possibly get it stir it with a kiln dried oak dowel rod ,as you do skim off the dross that will accumilate on top of the lead. do this until you get nothing but the soot from the dowel floating on the lead. Your lead is clean and ready for you to repour the hooks. I've only done this about a thousand times.
  21. Generally speaking and this is just a ball park figure. Setup cost for changing the hook 1 to 3 thousand dollars with a minnimum of 500 thousand hooks per set.
  22. The front part with the claws is medium plastic injected over a hard plastic assembly. You could do it with silicone , pre build the assembly and set it in silicone make a clam shell style or something similar. Lots of tutorials on here might just get you going.
  23. EVERYBODY ALWAYS POST your ideas no matter what. Somebody somewhere will either get a giggle out of it or we can all chipin and expound upon it. That is the prime directive of this sight. Glad I could help.
  24. If you want to go cheap but functional just weld the knob end of a pair of needle nose vice grips to a piece of flat steel. Bet'ya it holds anything you throw at it.
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