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Everything posted by toadfrog

  1. Well its been a while since I posted another nutty Idea so here goes. If you use a presto pot you are well aquainted with boogers seting up in the nozzle valve. I hate that ! So I took apart a medium sized hot glue gun, took out the element , cut the small tip of flush with the main body. That gave me a hole large enough to tap out and screw in a brass pipe 1 1/2 '' long which I then attached the valve to. Afterwards I screwed in the opposite end an airline valve as a tip. This will allow your nozzle to be heated top and bottom. I could have gone into lenghty discussion on deminsions ect. but most of you guys are smarter than me and will probably improve on this. HERE'S The Pic.
  2. If you can find some tube cork you can slide it over the shank. its hard to find. But you may be able to make it by rolling a flat sheet and using hi temp silicone to keep the tube in shape. That would allow you to slide it on and off as necessary.
  3. Once in a while I post an Idea intitled (ANOTHER NUTTY IDEA) . Well if I had an award for A post like that you would definately get it today . Its a good Idea and it works, plus it was cheap and generated out of necessity. Great job my friend!
  4. I need to make some pop molds, but I don't want to go thru all the steps of putting on mold release making this half that half ect. I just want to set the bait slice the rtv bait and all ,to create the clam shell effect. I haven't found a way to do that smoothly and evenly leaving a nice seam. I guess my OCD is bugging me or I wouldn't be asking. So any Ideas.
  5. I just use WD 40 or Anise It has stood the test of time but in truth it only helps a little when the fish aren't bitting much of anything. All you really need is a shape representing an edible critter and movement that resembles something tasty. Fresh water fish are just little sharks with no teeth.
  6. It would be better if you don't use a hand drill to do mods. Harbor frieght has vises that trasverse left and right in and out. About $30 If you have a stand style drill press these two things help and you can do a more professional job with less screw ups. Dremel tools like the ball head burr cut nice hook channels. The mill tools will do a nice job on the hook eye socket. you can also drill some molds an install flat top rivets to make recessed eye sockets. might invest in a set of vernier calipers to aid in sizing the hole.
  7. Pard never use anything impregnated with any metals of any kind to nuke your plastics in . The spark that is created can result in a flash fire. And if you ever get burning plastic on you its not easy to put out. High temp silicone will adhere to glass. It will withstand heat up to 500 degrees and a little more. Nuff said I guess.
  8. <br /><br /><br /> I'd say you will wind up spray painting the spot paterns if your not set up to shoot cores and laminates. Lure Craft sells some paint for that.
  9. OK, Here is one of my (another nutty ideas post) lets say that like me my eye hand coordination sucks. I got tired of messing with over pour like I had. If i was going to have to trim baits I wanted it to be the least I could. I picked up some thick ceramic tile with small designs on it. Poured the mold with little regard to spill over. Gave it to the count of five. Then layed the tile on top the mold ,let it set. Pulled it away a few minutes later and got a thin over pour I could trim quickly and a design on the flat side of the lure. Best I can offer.
  10. AMEN BROTHER You are preaching to the choir! Thy sins will follow the all the day long and your baits will look like hell.
  11. Welcome MNgirl , Check out powder paint airbrushes as well. I didn't think I liked powder paint when it first hit the market but over time it grew on me. Now I use Component System vynil , Createx paints and powder paint. Be careful this tackle addiction can really get out of hand. I started with a little jig tying area inthe corner of the house . Now I have man cave 1 and mancave 2 and in the dog house most of the time.
  12. I hear a lot about fluxing lead, most say use bees wax this thing that or the other. When you melt down your lead and its about as molten as you can get it. Use a solid oak dowel rod to stir with(oak is the only type to use because of certain resin qualities in it) it will burn in the molten lead and bring up the impurities so you can skim it off. Do this until you just get black dust from the oak on top of the lead. Do not try to melt more lead from the skimmed dross. It will contain mostly contaminates that can eat away at your lead pot. Then use bees wax or whatever just to maintain the lead pot.
  13. I'll take the LC 243 4'' trailer and the 2 LC 837 3 1/2 frog. if they are not gone.
  14. NOW see there thats the kind of stuff I like to here. Everybody post your nutty ideas because without us nutty people the day can become really boring.
  15. This is just a wood block with holes drilled every 1/4 inch to fit a clothes hanger wire cut and bent to whatever desired shape. Then I clamped on some gator clips to hold crank baits jigs ect. the wires are moveable for position around the block holes. Adapt it to your own needs. All nutty Ideas are my own and are ment to stimulate the imagination. Just don't blow anything up unless it involves the size of your last catch. STAY TUNED FOR MORE NUTTY IDEAS.
  16. Looks good to me. I've made them for years. The styles and types are generally a personal perception on all lures. Do what you like and perhaps you will sell some to folks who like the same thing.
  17. Give us a pic of the pattern to kick start the brain. Generaly I'd say they are using Bohning lure lac. on the originals.
  18. Crimpimg the hook on the wire works pretty good.
  19. I was wondering if you would trade the last 2 foryour choice of these.
  20. I don't know if this guy is still doing business but try shawn Collins molds in Texas.
  21. Thanks to vodkaman I got this loaded.
  22. Don't use Gorrilla super glue. It foams when setting and will lift the eye away from the body. Then you will have a raised stuck eye one looking one way or the other depending on the way the setting foam pushes it.
  23. I think I have a mold for one came out of a creepy crawler set I had as a kid. It's about 3'' long. would trade it for something. Also have a fly and a mosquito. they are worth around 8 bucks. As usual I can't upload a pic here.
  24. THANKS GUYS AND GALS, I don't have a bed in the man cave so I better get at it. Any body that wants mow , hack weeb eat , cut wood, hammer beat and bang come on by.
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